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Posts posted by Archie

  1. I think we can blame a LARGE portion of todays race related issues solely on the media. If it didnt make them a few pennies by bringing it up they simply wouldnt bother. One things for sure, THIS case will be a HUGE money maker for everyone. If it took them THIS long to even make an arrest I could only imagine how long its going to take them to try for a conviction.


    The mainstream media are the ones who generated the little poll you posted, so how can you trust it is factual when they are poised to make a huge sum of money from this issue? This whole Trayvon / Zimmerman case is just a circus of ignorance.


    I believe cops, prosecutors, and judges treat everyone equally shitty regardless of race. When it comes down to it a human being shot a human being - do you think Zimmerman would of NOT pulled the trigger because (insert other race besides black) guy was smashing his head on the pavement?

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