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Posts posted by Archie

  1. This statement makes no sense. How does keeping people from cluttering up for sale ads with stupid bullshit make them not want to post?


    So you are saying that people would want to post more for sale ads if the sections were not moderated and people could just thread shit and trash them?


    Based on this and other posts I venture to say you have a serious problem with authority figures (cop hate, mod hate, ect).


    The only times I've seen someone "thread shit" its when they are trying to make an offer, ask or inquire about the condition of something, or possibly contribute some truth so someone doesn't get burned. I've had people shit in my threads and no one did a god damn thing but maybe that's because I didn't wine like an impotent nerd. The only "authority" figures I do have problems listening to or dealing with are consequently; mods and cops.


    Two instances where authority was given to individuals who do not possess the proper qualities to do things justly and continuously overstep their parameters. The only difference being that money out of my check goes to cops that do it face-to-face in the real world, while unpaid mods do it spinelessly in a fake one. That's why I typically do not respect either one. You are an exception.

  2. Truth, most for sale threads are about selling $1 garbage yard sale items n Random dumb shit nobody wants


    You remember back in the day the FS section was better than craigslist? Lots of cheap cars, guns, things & stuff stuff. Then the board was overrun with Mods who clearly have some self esteem / penis size issues and have Anthony's magical internet playland has never been the same. Similar to the rise and fall of America.

  3. I can't even imagine what kind of thought sequence could lead you to the above conclusion / pseudo-challenge post, but I firmly believe I am better off that way.


    Carry on.


    P.S. - Have a ball in the FS sections if it tickles your taint to do so; I very likely will have no time in the near future to do anything about it. I am sure several other evil, mean, bully Mods will take care of it.


    The for sale section used to be a beehive of activity with deals abound. Now it is a bunch of broke dicks selling trash out of their garage and turds out of their toilet.


    GJ mods

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