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Posts posted by Murse

  1. Paul i dont know you personally, so its hard to recommend a dr for you but i can help somewhat. even the best dr in the world might not be the right one for you. it will ultimately boil down to who you are comfortable with and can have trust in.


    there are 2 types of physicians. there is the MD and the DO. while you can find both in every specialty they are taught with different views. as a rule of thumb the MD will treat the symptom while the DO will treat the problem.


    ex. High blood pressure: a MD will start with first line HTN meds and keep trying until the blood pressure is corrected. where as the DO will do the same but also tr and solve why the blood pressure was elevated in the first place. was it due to too much sodium in the diet or not getting rid of it properly, holding in too much water, is it an anatomical problem, etc. the list can go on and on.


    im not saying that a MD wont do that, nor am i saying that all DOs will do that. im just saying that as a rule of thumb. an md will treat the symptoms, a DO will treat the person.


    now in saying that, ive worked for both. from my experience i would want a DO to be my PCP (primary care physician) because they arent going to necessarily throw meds down my throat. but they do know when its necessary.


    dont forget you can always set up a meeting with the doctors and ask them questions before you start seeing them. we did that all the time. it saves you from going and fillin out tons of papers and wasting time when you dont feel comfortable with them.


    there are different kinds of people out there, which is why its hard to recommend a dr to someone you dont know. one type is the person who just goes to the dr for something and wants that one thing. got a problem and just want to go in get the rx and get out and on with life. another type like to sitdown with the dr discuss whats going on discuss options for treatment and be a part of their medical care. there are other types but thats a majority.


    sorry for the long post but there are too many variables in recommending a dr.

  2. +1 (minus the 800-years part) :p




    We need a BIG change and I think Ron Paul is our only hope with the current candidates. I'm tired of all the same crap and for people saying RP just goes off. Well, do the research on what he's talking about...most of it he's on point.


    We need people to fix the system and hold people accountable. From the President through Congress and everyone right down the line. These are positions that need to have term limits and are no longer lifetime careers. Serve your country and return to your real job. These guys getting rich off the policies/laws they pass is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention making themselves not subject to the same laws/rules as citizens is absurd...












    ....and for those voting for Obama because of FREE healthcare. Go educate yourself and get a job that will EARN it on your own!



    I agree 100%. Too many lazy ass uneducated people want fucking hand outs from their gov, they think that it's their right for the gov to take care or them. Get a fucking job and an education and earn it. Funny thing is, is once they get that education their views will more than likely change.

  3. how does it fly? ive never had a toy grade heli fly any good. blade just released a $50 coax RTF that might be good.


    but once you get bored with that, cuz you will, there is only so much you can do, get a MCPx. i have one and it is a blast!!!!! if it does break its super cheap to fix and parts are easy to get.

  4. I think he is right about climate change and that it's a cycle, just like everything else. Day/night, seasons, tides, sun spots, things like that. Satellites have only been around since 78, when we just started coming out of a cold PDO and ADO.


    that has been my argument to everyone! it is just a climate change that we are actually getting to experience!

  5. What about out of state? I got 2, an old Remington model 11 automatic shotgun and a SW 38 special both from grandfather in Michigan. Do I need any paperwork? Or no since in Ohio you don't need to register them
  6. No I never thought about a revolver for my ccw but I'll deff shoot one to see. Me and both brother in laws are going to head up to Black Wing in a few weeks to shoot all the prospects. We were unable to go durring Xmas so we're going to check out that range since neither of us have been there
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