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Everything posted by iwishiwascool

  1. It's been going on for a while, I believe in San Francisco. I have a hard time imagining people thinking silently in their studies... "Hmmm, what would Jesus do.... Oh he would definitely disparage 1 point some billion people." It's like when D.Cheney had a gay daughter, my racist father made a black friend, or one of those crazy volunteer border patrol people lived with an immigrant family for a week... if these fucking bigots would leave their echo chambers and meet someone outside their white washed worlds they might gain some goddamn perspective.
  2. Again... it is looking like the perpetrators were Gaddafi loyalists who used the protest as a distraction. His (and the US) support for the rebellion is likely the reason for the attack. I think the answer will more likely be a drone strike and that it will be quite soon. I wouldn't be surprised to later learn that spy drones observed the attacks as they happened and followed the perps back to their huts.
  3. Dude, it's less than 24 hours later. As soon as it is known who did it, you can bet a drone will be there. Who are you suggesting gets the sword right this second? Are you watching Hannity right now and regurgitating his absolutely idiotic narrative?
  4. I agree, kinda blah but I'll buy it anyway since my contract is up.
  5. Who is "they"? There is more going on in this case than just "terror". We had drones in Libya which allowed the rebels to seize control and topple Gaddafi. There are still Gaddafi sympathizers who likely saw this as an opportunity to attack. I just looked it up and the State Department agrees with me:
  6. You missed the "drop in the bucket" part. Some speculators have suggested that the Keystone XL would actually increase pump prices in the midwest. Most agree the impact would be a few cents decrease at most. Again.... global commodity.
  7. Cite Request: Examples of when [Middle Eastern] countries behaved.
  8. Dude, our presidential candidates don't even qualify: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/12/mitt-romney-libya-egypt-media-reactions_n_1877266.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false
  9. Global thermonuclear war is not going to break out as a result of some Gaddafi loyalists killing an ambassador.
  10. It's looking like the attackers were Gaddafi loyalists. They received drone strikes to the face last year, not food and money.
  11. Oil is a global commodity. Unless you believe the US planned to socialize the commodity, that oil would be sold to the highest bidder. The high bid is determined by a commodities market that is influenced by global supply. The oil sands represents not only a drop in the bucket but it is not light sweet crude, it is sandy and difficult to refine. How does it work in your world?
  12. Religious Extremists: Doing busywork for an insecure god since 400BC.
  13. Who are you geopolitical experts suggesting we "invade". The Libyan rebels who rise to power was assisted by US drones? That "apology" was issued by the Cairo embassy before the attacks. The state department did not approve it and it has since been disavowed by the administration. The very new democratically elected leadership of Libya has condemned the attack that killed the ambassador.
  14. I've heard them, they sound great for what they are. They are definitely brighter than the B&W in-walls I sold to most of my customers but they are less than 1/5th of the price. I've only heard the 8" in-walls and in-ceilings so I can't comment on the smaller ones. They need decent break-in time to sound their best. I listened to $40,000 Wilson speakers every day for over a year but I am not an audiophile. If I do a system for myself, I would use the monoprice in-walls. I just installed a system for my brother in-law's $2M condo on the beach down here in Gulf Shores, Alabama where I live now and used Polk OWM5s for the rear channels, they look good and sound pretty decent for $100/ea. For what it's worth I used Sonos for the whole house audio setup because it is awesome.
  15. Agreed, and I really wasn't one of them in terms of knowledge. Jason, Brad, or Mike C can tell you about everything that is and ever was when it comes to 2 channel hifi, whole house audio, or home theater setups. Les, the owner, is awesome and welcomes the opportunity to show people around the shop. Mike C, the president, is a car guy an is on here.
  16. Yeah, you can definitely do that if you want terrible sound.
  17. I used to work here: http://www.progressiveaudio.com/home.php If that adds any credibility.
  18. avsforum.com Purchase affordable gear and accessories from monoprice.com
  19. Most people do, regardless of their actual knowledge and/or comprehension. Just ask a Glen Beck fan.
  20. I wasn't insulted by the vacuum comment. Was it the frontline episode? I think deregulation contributed significantly to the financial crisis as did the lack of scrutiny by Fanny and Freddy over sub-prime loans. I'm not an expert and would be regurgitating NPR and PBS investigations anyway. I do believe fully that the repeal of Glass-Steagall was a significant contributor and needs to be re-enacted. Greed, when unrestricted and monopolized is bad for everyone except for those who pull the strings.
  21. I agree with most of that. Though I think healthcare needed to be addressed. My concern is that if an Elephant gets elected the pressure will exist to pull the strings on social issues; this is what the 2010 elected republicans did with their "mandate". Why? Because addressing social issues is a hell of a lot easier than fixing an economy. I am not willing to give Mitt the ability to appoint a SCOTUS judge that will overturn Roe v. Wade which is exactly what will happen when the extremist base demands reciprocity for their vote.
  22. I the furthest thing from the vacuum. I work with multiple multi-million dollar small-medium businesses specifically in the arena of business development. I've re-engineered failing business to profitability and helped successful business reach new growth opportunities. Economic uncertainty is different from risk. Your anecdote about the Greek election is a good example economic uncertainty. Uncertainty is a constant that always exists in the economy. It functions on a sliding scale, let's say between 1-10. If uncertainty were always (or ever) at a 1, meaning very certain, anyone paying attention would automagically be rich. 7-10 describes a condition in which there is massive social unrest, out of control inflation, totalitarian overreach; an environment in which the entire system is literally unstable. The operators of your company were subject to the uncertainty as a variable within an investment risk model while operating in a business environment of comparatively low uncertainty. Economic uncertainty is one variable int the algorithm of Risk. When most people are describing uncertainty, they are really describing risk. As a function uncertainty is a function of taxes and regulations. There is no talk of increasing Capital Gains to 75% or increasing corporate taxes more than 10%. Truly crippling regulations cannot happen in this gridlocked political environment even if intentions were present, which I don't believe they are. Economic uncertainty is a boogeyman that relies on a fledgling misunderstanding of a single variable within a larger risk model. We are not Greece, not even close.
  23. Let me ask this: is it uncertainty about taxes or regulations that is creating the trepidation?
  24. Lack of demand is different from uncertainty. Their clients might be using the uncertainty argument but you are making it sound like the law firms would expand if only they had certainty about taxation, is that correct?
  25. I'm saying business who use that argument are doing so as a crutch; an excuse for mediocrity.
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