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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Meh.... It's gotta look like ass with the hood on....
  2. Man.... I love the WRC... and Gronholm is the shit.... but this video is just classic... wait for the end. http://www.break.com/index/rally-car-passenger-injured.html
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVZW-0lQw6M&mode=related&search=
  4. This is why I hate most Buckeye fans..... Sure... there are a few out there that are true fans and show good sportsmanship...... but not many.
  5. Discuss..... http://www.local12.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=503021cf-36d2-495e-b787-eba196475c9f http://community.wkrc.com/forums/thread/1942090.aspx
  6. I have a 1541 floppy disk drive around here somewhere!
  7. 625-001 - 1996-2004 S10 BLAZER, S15 JIMMY, S15 SONOMA, BRAVADA W/4.3L V-6 http://www.midwayautosupply.com/pc-4976-281-dorman-oil-cooler-lines-connectors-2004-96-s10-blazer-s15-jimmy-s15-sonoma-bravada-w43l-v-6-4wd-engine-oil-filter-hose-625-001.aspx
  8. Here is one for you, Linn.... http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/BorgCymru/NICE/?start=all
  9. OK... let me know, AJ. I put them on Ebay.....
  10. Last bump... then the're going in the trash. Make an offer.
  11. http://3.content.collegehumor.com/d1/ch6/a/1/collegehumor.fdf7dddac0f96adecd1b6e41bddccca3.jpg Discuss.....
  12. No love for the oil cooler lines, eh? I figured someone on here could use a set.
  13. http://www.gibbstech.co.uk/aquada.php http://www.gibbstech.co.uk/humdinga.php These look cool.....
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