Well.... last night after work, I went out and started on my LGT. As some of you know, I got some pretty significant hail damage back in June (620 dents ). I had PDR work done and they sucessfully got all the dents out, but in the process of moving around the car and working on the dents, some light scratches were put in the finish.
Some of the swirling was already there from my weekly washings of the car over the past few years and some was from the recent dent repair work. Anyhow... I decided it was time to bite the bullet and buy a buffer, bonnets and pads, and compounds and freshen up my finish. I'd never done this before, but I've see others do this kind of work so I figured I'd give it a try....
Anyhow... I worked from 5 PM till 10:30 last night and completed the hood, roof, doors, and rear quarter panels. This morning, I went out and finished the trunk, spoiler, and rear bumper.
I'm doing the system in three stages... Fine swirl remover, extra fine swirl remover, and finishing off with Mequires NXT Tech Wax (liquid). The NXT is actually a synthetic polymer sealer... and not actually a wax, per se.
Overall, I am REALLY pleased with the results. I was able to remove almost all of the swirling and fine scratches. Some of the deeper stuff is still there... but you've really got to know where it's at and look for it. I also have some acid rain spots that I was not able to remove. I only used a fine swirl remover (#2), so a more aggressive one might remove those. I'm really happy, though...
The paint looks much much deeper and has a "wet" look to it that I haven't had for at least a year.