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Everything posted by Maro

  1. http://boilemmashmem.ytmnd.com/ graemlins/wtf.gif Stupid...but kinda catchy!
  2. You can still feel thermal radiation without getting UV exposure. My guess is that the glass has UVA in it to protect you from buring....
  3. He's in my club and is one of the nicest guys I know.... runs a great business....
  4. Damn.... that Shank dude is TALENTED! Wish I knew anything about flash animation....
  5. Guy I know purchased the Mule from Mark Stielow and is currently putting twin turbos into it... Here is the BFGoodrich ad it was in....and some pics of the car now... http://img20.photobucket.com/albums/v59/HwyStar/fBDP21706.jpg http://www.camcojb.com/mule6.jpg http://www.camcojb.com/mule1.jpg graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. Maro

    Best Friend

    Couldn't put it any better, myself.... Take care and come back safe....
  7. Thought this was pretty nicely done.... http://www.x33d80.com
  8. Maro

    geek test

    18.73767% - Geek Straight Grade-A Home-Grown Gen-u-ine Geek.... graemlins/wtf.gif
  9. All visual appearance mods?!?! No engine mods? Am I reading this right?
  10. I had to disable my firewall filter to get it to work....
  11. Bad stuff is going around lately.... A friend of mine just passed away yesterday after a year long fight with a viral/fungal infection of his lungs. They still don't know what it is.... graemlins/nonono.gif My thoughts are with ya....
  12. +1 graemlins/puke.gif It never ceases to amaze me the lack of taste some people have.... graemlins/nonono.gif
  13. <--- Very disappointed.... graemlins/nonono.gif
  14. graemlins/thumb.gif
  15. graemlins/finger.gif you jagoff.....
  16. It is in the parking lot of STAR cinema / KMart. On Stringtown (north side of the road)
  17. Maro

    interior work

    You can buy SEM dye for the vinyl stuff (panels). I know a guy in C-ville who can do your headliner/visors....
  18. There is an On road track in GC.... The Offroad track is at the fairgrounds (Hilliard).
  19. Maro


    How in the heck does someone find that? Some guy listening to all his sh*t backwards? Pretty strange....
  20. No worky for me, either.... says W MP has a network error ?!?!
  21. Um.... Welcome to 10 days ago..... graemlins/slap.gif http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=002204
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