Hey guys... about three weeks ago, I was cruising into work at ~62 with the cruise control on and all of the sudden, I lose a cylinder. Car starts chugging badly under load and blowing oil smoke out the exhaust (pulling it past the rings on the dead cylinder).
Limp it home and start pulling it apart to find that the #4 intake rocker arm is 90 deg. out of position and that the pushrod is bouncing around and hitting the valve cover. Anyhow... can't figure it out. Pushrod isn't bent, rocker isn't bent/cracked, and the lifter appears to be be fine.
So, I pull the valve train and heads and everything else looks good. Put it back together with a new lifter, pushrod, and rocker assy. for #4 intake.
Runs fine for 3 weeks, then all of the sudden, getting off of I-270 last night, it starts ticking pretty badly. The cylinders are still all firing, but it doesn't sound good.
SO, I pulled her apart tonight and find that #4 EXHAUST rocker is cocked off of the valve stem and is pushing down on the valve spring retainer! Luckily the retainers stayed steated and the spring stayed put....
Mind you, this is the other valve on #4.
Anybody have a clue? Running ~40-45 psi oil pressure.
[ 09. July 2004, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Maro ]