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Jay 2001 TA

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Everything posted by Jay 2001 TA

  1. Nice work, I am close friends with that family that lives off gowdown rd. I have been there many times and yes lets just say that its fun to watch OSU games/Blue Jacket games inside that caboose
  2. Wow, I didn't know you were so close otherwise I would have called.
  3. As you can see here: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68262 Rob had some serious work cut out for him fixing others mistakes with my exhaust setup. Thanks to Rob I can now say that I am once again happy to drive my car! Rob took the time to get the job done right the first time around and I could not be happier with the results. I will be back to rob if I need anything else done, thanks man!
  4. Forget the GTO, keep the f-body theme going and buy my TA!
  5. My brother and I were on 161 Heading West twards 270. When we saw it I would say we were between the New Albany rd. exit and Hamilton Rd. The fireball came from the south and was headed north.
  6. My brother and I saw one of the "fireballs" shoot across 161 Wed. night around 9-10PM (can't remember what time exactly).
  7. Jay 2001 TA


    Three street lamps have come down in my parking lot at work. One lamp fell on top of three cars. Trees/street signs uprooted etc...
  8. Sorry you feel that way. Good luck with the ticket man, let us know how it goes.
  9. Sorry man, I don't think its looking good for you. I would pay the ticket and chalk it up as a crappy lesson learned. The law says that if there is an emergency vehicle off to the side of the road you must switch lanes IF the other lane is clear. You still are not allowed to break the speed limit either way. The best thing to do would have been to slow down and stay in your current lane. Don't count on the cop as a no show to court. My brother is a cop and loves the OT he gets to come into court. Most of the time they will just put him on "standby" (needs to be by a phone) so the judge can call him if needed.
  10. I can't believe I am about to agree with Joe but.... I would save the $300 and put it twards the 9in fund. Just go up to a 4.10 when you get the more stable 9in rear.
  11. Try Best Buy at easton. I walked in durring my lunch break yesterday (1:00 PM) and picked a copy up.
  12. Casey, you can have my old Nittos if you want them for free. No rims on them just the tire. I am moving soon and need to clear some of this crap out of my garage.
  13. 12.2 @ 113 was my best of the day, ugh I was fighting with my launch all day. I think I need a driver mod because that track was hooking for the most part.
  14. yes, thanks everyone for your hard work.
  15. Casey, I just picked up the Zamp FS-2 (on sale) at Jegs for $106 after tax. Its black and silver. http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10001_10002_762383_-1_10497 Also some MT ET Streets while I was at it
  16. Oh man Casey, sorry to hear that. It sounds like you are not going to have any problems finding a new job. This might even turn out to be better for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.
  17. Yep, I have tickets for the 11:00 @ crosswoods Ultrascreen on the 2nd! It's going to be sweet.
  18. A big thanks goes out the Kevin and everyone at the NTB in Dublin! They hooked me me up with a balance/alignment/patch and I could not be more pleased. I would highly recomend these guys for any of your tire/wheel ETC needs.
  19. Ok, From what I have heard people want to go but are not signing up for whatever reason. You can register now and pay later, if needed. Some people might be waiting to sign up after we have enough. Well for all we know we could have enough intrest but not everyone has taken the 3 seconds it takes to register. Plain and simple if you plan on going sign up ASAP. Sign up today People! This event will not happen unless 60 people are registered by May 1st. We have around 26 signed up today .... not even close to what we need. Remember: Register and Payment = two totally different things.
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