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Posts posted by CobraKevin

  1. Summary: Extending from where the first one left off, Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) continues her quest to kill her former "master" Bill (David Carradine) for shooting her in the head during a wedding rehearsal 4 years earlier, leaving her in a coma for that entire time.


    Pros: More of a plot-oriented "movie", rather than a slasher action film like the first, great fight scenes, and both Uma and David did great.


    Cons: A few cheesy lines, but even those were tolerable. Other than that, not really anything that bad, other than IMO the storyline of revenge is just kinda plain.


    Overall: 4.25 stars. Definitely better than the first, definitely worth ticket money, and a semi-funny blooper at the end of the credits (though not really worth sitting through all of the credits to see).

  2. Originally posted by Veritas:

    that's super there big guy that you've seen it all three times, maybe other people haven't :/

    That's what the "new post" indicator is on the left of every topic. If it says there are new posts, read them, or don't. Some choose to, some choose not to. Therefore, if you miss out, you miss out. The shit doesn't need to be posted 200 fuckin times to make sure EVERYONE has seen it. I'm not being a dick or anything, but damn.
  3. Originally posted by Elinar Longsight:

    Unfortunately, the test Anthony posted has a serious flaw. I took it twice and the score difference was outragous. I gave the same answers but took 5 mins less, and I went from a retard to a genius.

    Why is that such a terrible flaw? If you and I both get the correct answer to a problem, but you did it quick enough to go take a shit before I was done, who do you think is smarter? If you take that test and take a half hour to do it, that doesn't really show that your smart. The questions aren't finite math or something, they're just word problems. The faster you can figure them out, the smarter you are. A 12 year old can probably figure out most of the answers correctly just in a much longer period of time. Does that make him as smart as those of us that can do it 4 times faster?
  4. 156 on the one Ant posted.


    The one Tina posted I've done quite a few times, the most accurate one being 135. Did you get a 155 on that one Tina, or the one Ant posted? If it was on the one you posted, then DAMN! 'Cause I know like all the answers to that one and the best I could get was a 140 or somethin like that.

  5. I wouldn't consider myself impressed by Kill Bill. It was definitely a fun movie to watch, but I don't think it's anywhere near the Top 10 on the list of best movies ever. Though, that's gonna come down to personal opinion. I think it was a kick-ass movie, but VERY unrealistic and it seems VERY weird to see a woman doing all the things she does (no offense to women). The parts when they switched to Japanimation-style graphics was sweet, but the whole seen with her trying to move her big toe was just corny as hell. I guess I get picky with quite a few movies and that's kinda good and bad. Catch the really great subtle shit, but get annoyed at other shit. Oh well.
  6. Holy Fuckin Shit! That's about all there is to say, but I'll do the normal review.


    Summary: Emile Hirsch plays Matthew Kidman, a smart senior in high school who's working on getting into Georgetown and could very well be President someday. He never really did anything crazy until Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert graemlins/leghump.gif ) moves in next door. He later finds out from a porn-addict friend of his that she did a porn video, and she leaves when she finds out that he knows. He goes to leaps and bounds to try and win her back and encounters some difficult obstacles in the process.


    Pros: Funniest fuckin movie since American Wedding, Elisha Cuthbert and the two other "pornstars" that play small roles are fuckin gorgeous, and this movie's love story is by far the most entertaining I've ever seen.


    Cons: None (seriously, not that I can think of).


    Overall: 5 stars BIGTIME! I'll admit because I'm a senior and senior prom is approaching, this movie appeals greatly to me, so my decision may be SLIGHLY thwarted. Though, I'd give it 4.75 stars to everyone else 'cause I think EVERYONE will get a kick out of this movie. If you can only afford or only have time for one movie anytime soon, make it this one.



  7. This has to be by far the weirdest thing I personally have ever experienced with a computer. Everything that is supposed to display red has a dark green tint to it. Everything from the "X" in the "stop" button in the IE toolbar to the outside of the "X" to close an IE window to my taillights in any picture to Sam's car in any of the pictures to Kurt Angle's outfit in a video to the menu screen on a game I'm playing. I've toyed with the colors in the monitor control (little knob at the bottom of the monitor), I've tried restarting my computer, and a friend of mine told me to check near the cpu for magnets, which there are none. I have no idea why or how this happened. Over this past weekend, my mom and I moved into a condo. I moved the computer myself (which I've done many times to LAN with a buddy) and not it's like this. Anything simple I can look for/try, or is it time for a new monitor/videocard?
  8. Originally posted by Venomss:

    Come on, hot shot, you of all people should know how easily it is to talk over my head on these things. tongue.gif So, be a pal and just tell me what octane I should be using.

    Many high performance cars like ours "require" premium fuel, so just use 93/94. That's what I use.
  9. Originally posted by Rebel INS:

    You shouldn't be so quick to fly of the handle.

    I'll give you a piece of advice: take Anthony's advice and use the freakin smilie. You've been here 2 months and have less than 300 posts. Not saying reputations and good graces can't be established with that number of posts and that length of time, but unless you've personally become friends with someone on here (meaning met them a few times, chatted with them, got on their good graces, etc.), joking without smilie's can EASILY be taking as serious. I'm sure when you typed that message, you could see where saying "Mr. Dictator" might rub someone the wrong way. A smilie changes that so "if you could just TRY to remember to do that from now on, that would be great, mkay?"
  10. Wow. Definitely wasn't expecting this. Definitely didn't think I'd read of all this either, but I did. The mods and admins actions are similar to those of my parents: they worry about pretty much everything and I don't have to, but when somethin goes wrong, they don't full explain what's going on (and they don't have to), so I can't give an accurate solution to the problem. Annoying for sure, but I guess I gotta deal with it. I mean the main thing I can touch on is the fact that stupidity is a disease. Not really contagious, but just happens to affect quite a few people and it's VERY hard to cure. I gotta leave for work, so I can't go into detail about what may solve this dilema, but there are better ways I'm sure than shutting down the board for any amount of time.
  11. Most dramas are one-time only movies for that very reason. Most movies that you want to watch a bunch of times are action/fantasy movies (huge battles, big explosions, cool fight scenes, etc.)


    Originally posted by MadMalibu:

    and that crazy little kid (for those that have seen it) is one sick and twisted mofo...


    Fuck yeah he is. The scene in the movie theater...never saw it coming. :eek:
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