a lot of places (like where i work) we can set up a payment arangement, but we can not send anything out in writing. why, you ask?
when a balance is sent to my collection office, the balance in full is due. our clients do not require that we set up a payment arangement. this is something we do through our office.
as long as you dont miss any payments, have any payments bounce, there wont be a problem. the bill is getting paid. if the bill is getting paid, client is happy. if the client is happy, company gets more business. more business = more $ for company.
and to set up a a payment arangement, depending on how past due it is, they will probably tell you you're going to have to secure the account with post dated checks. this allows them to show the client that there is a payment set up for a certain date each month. theyre not going to allow you to mail in a payment monthly, because you had that option before it was deficient and failed to make good on that agreement