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Everything posted by evan9381

  1. The row machine @ 3:30, soccer kick at 5:30, and pull up bar at 8:00 have got to be the best in there...the rest just seems like a mash up of tosh.0 episodes without the hilarious commentary
  2. Ive gone there for about 4 years...actually just got home from there. i like it. They keep kids off the work out floor as best they can (when they see them, they get em out), which is nice. If you were there anytime from 8-930 i may have seen you
  3. i was just watching the one about taking in stray cats and realized that i fucking love all these new directTV commercials.
  4. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398134_2801567212294_1651997618_2614546_1499216524_n.jpg
  5. And i do love me some BMWs...will have to look into that
  6. anything thats not my current car. lol. if i can find something i can fit 4 adults into comfortably, keyless entry, power windows/locks/mirrors, MT, A/C, i'd be happy. im just tired as having a POS as a DD. in the end, i'll probably keep my current car as well, since outside of my FT job i run pizzas a night or two a week for some extra $, and i wouldn't do that in a new car.
  7. let me know. i'm getting to the point i'm wanting to get into a newer car. i've seen some ads with decent lease rates, and it's got me thinking. i don't think i'd have any issues with going over any mileage restrictions, as my drive to/from work is 10 miles round trip, and im usually in town. im getting ready to start doing some research, but i wanted to hear first hand from people who have/do lease a car.
  8. I read this and cracked up, and of course, the very next post quoted this for lulz.
  9. i posted a while back about when i flew to FL to drive grandma home for the summer...no shit, as soon as i crossed the OH line, people got stupid retarded. hell, in FL, i drove in the worst rain ive EVER seen, and people were still moving...it would have had people here stopped...but FL, GA, TN, KY, people know the left lane is for passing, and dont drive in it, and if there is someone there and you're coming up on them, they move over...once we got into ohio, i almost had an aneurysm.
  10. I seriously LOL'd....hahahahaha
  11. those are annoying too, but no where near shit like adding an extra 1/2/3 letters at the end of a word (iff, eastt, mightt, crazyyy), or just stupid spellings (yhu, thyr). lucky me i turned down my cousins friend request on FB after i saw him on xmas. i'll see him next year (maybe), and thats enough :lolguy:
  12. via I270 http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/evan938/IMAG2151.jpg?t=1324967166
  13. i can understand some things being shortened...but seriously, why do people type in shit that honestly has to take longer than spelling the actual words!? i saw these gems posted and thought my brain was going to assplode. :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu: please someone explain.
  14. evan9381


    beggars can't be choosers.
  15. i feel i got a bit shafted this year, but my main thing is my dads kicking in a good chunk of change towards the slab of granite i need to get to finally get my island in my kitchen finished. I did get a nice skullcandy ipod dock for my kitchen counter...thing is tiny but has GREAT sound xbox charging dock w/ rechargable battery packs (no more rechargable AAs) Co2 tire inflation tool for my bike
  16. What do you do there they have you in on xmas? could be wrong, but i think 370 cleveland is completely shut down today and tomorrow
  17. I would love to work in a state w/ unmarked patrol cars and spend all day ticketing asshole drivers...slow in the left lanes (even if its a road like morse, i fucking hate when people drive side by side and wont allow anyone to pass), no turn signals, swerving because youre texting, etc. Id make it my own personal new rome
  18. Wait...you ARE the camera guru...who do you think is gonna be able to help YOU? Lol
  19. Shes from the annoying "friday" music video...chester
  20. FWIW, i bought mine new for $250 w/ 4 mags total after rebate, but that was 4+ years ago. GLWS.
  21. was really hoping someone came up and stole his camera.
  22. Shes like 14 chester...thats all the info you need, unless you want to personally meet chris hansen
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