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Everything posted by morabu

  1. my friend jason (240sxdriverone09) got me introduced to this site, it's a very cool little D&D'ish game but very simple, not an rpg. go here and read about it www.lordsoflegend.com, if you like it join up by clicking here http://www.lordsoflegend.com/user_page.php?id=MTAtMjM2MTEy and we will both benefit by earning extra cash!
  2. miles? pics of the inside? stick or auto
  3. did i see component (red, green, blue)connectors on the back of that thing? (hopefully) what all connectors does it have?
  4. how much are you lookin to get out of it, and what all is mechanically wrong with it?
  5. fuckin nerd! lock the door dumbass!!
  6. ^^^^soooo true^^^^ jay-z should retire anyway before him and NAS get into another beef and NAS shredds him on another album! Jay is good, but he got way to pop for his own good!
  7. those are pretty old, but still nice to see!
  8. HAHAHA roflmao i would have hated to work there also! whoever was doin that was one funny focker!
  9. that driver has some skillz! but he is a crazy mother fucker too!!!! HAHAHA
  10. morabu


    this has been discussed to death on my other forum here's a link: http://www.whatboyswant.com/forum_read/382147/ enjoy
  11. better looking face / little chubby / larger tits / larger ass basically my girlfriend [big Grin] + 1
  12. morabu

    Dad's Home

    it was very pointless but it was pretty cool
  13. morabu


    just my opnion, but don't fuck with that shit!
  14. that's just plain stupid, real or fake!
  15. morabu

    Vid request

  16. right now as far as i know you still can't get free ringtones to work w/sprint phones
  17. + 1 now that's entertaining!
  18. your prolly gonna make anywhere from 8-10.50 based on exp/knowledge and what they can talk you down to! not bad, but not worth it compared to other phone jobs that pay more for knowing less!
  19. + 1 hahahahahahahahaha dumbass
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