julie is really cool, but wait till you get out on the floor, i don't know how much you already know about networking and computer shit in general but it gets soo fuckin boring doin the same shit over and over with these dumb ass customers on the phone and the really fun ones are when you deal with someone that doesn't speak english all that well and you have to explain to them all the different things to do to rebuild a pppoe connection and crap like that
or when you get a real jackass that thinks he knows everything there is to know about computers and he just wants to listen to your way of fixin it all the while doing nothin that you said just how he thinks it can be fixed, the best part of workin there was actually the training! and yes the lisa call is funny, but the reall funny shit is like "the old man irrate call", or the call of "the employee sleeping while on the phone with a customer", ask julie about "ninja boy"