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Everything posted by morabu

  1. in my previous post i mixed these 2 up. this is the official Samsung wireless charging back cover for the note 3. you can see specs and pictures here. http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Galaxy-Wireless-Charging-Battery/dp/B00F3587PW/ new these are going for about $40 i am asking $25 or trade for a standard back cover + $15
  2. this is the official Samsung S-View Flip cover for the Note 3 in black. Scratch that! this is NOT the wireless charging version i picked this up with my phone, and figured out i don't really like folio cases. they retail for about $40 i'm asking $25
  3. it's Kim Kardashian and i would crush that ass
  4. morabu


    i'd probably buy one for the wife's daily commute. after the 1st year or so. that way most of the kinks are ironed out.
  5. the Agera has been my new favorite since i first saw it. it's a pretty amazing machine.
  6. morabu

    Best phone?

    if you're paying $35 on Verizon you're doing really good. in that case i'm sure i've spent more than you. still FAR LESS than the typical user though
  7. morabu

    Best phone?

    i do understand where you're coming from. however, i like the fact that i am not tied down to a 2 year commitment. add to that fact, i pay $400-600 up front. i only pay $30 a month for service though. over the course of those 2 years you're locked in, i have saved a TON more money than you. i can change phones and companies at the drop of a dime as well.
  8. morabu

    Best phone?

    i fit in the mostly city category and LOVE T-Mobile since i picked them up 2 years ago. with all the LG G2 endorsements i've seen in this thread, i wanted to tell everyone. T-Mobile has the LG G2 on sale right now for only $400! pay cash and go pre-paid like me!
  9. go to craigslist and type in your phone and provider to see what they are averaging locally. then sell it there or you can go to swappa.com and do the same thing there, but you pay a fee from your sale. your esn or imei must be clear to sell it there though. or sell it to Gazelle.com
  10. LeMans, Nurburgring & Pikes Peak are NO JOKE either! put me down for one also please.
  11. they added a few extra cars to the old list, to make this new list. including my old G6 i gave to my mom. i'll have to take it in for her.
  12. morabu

    Walking Dead

    they've done what they always have (and needed to). they did just enough in the last episode of the season, and in the 1st episode of a new season to hook you again. every episode should be this way. alas, they never will be. i'll be waiting for October
  13. I'm keeping the i7-860 $30 for the i3-550
  14. if you want this, you might have to change your number. it's supposed to be for new customers through wal-mart only. there are sometimes ways to get around this though. easiest way would be to buy this sim card kit from wal-mart. http://www.walmart.com/ip/T-Mobile-SIM-Kit/24099996 then activate it in store with a new number telling them you want this plan. http://see.walmart.com/t-mobile/?povid=cat1105910-env542259-moduleA110913-lLinkLHNShopbyCarrierTMobile#plans scroll down and you will see the $30 100 min/unlimited text/data 5GB 4G i don't think you can still be in contract with your T-Mobile phone on this though. if you want to try to keep your number (NOT Guaranteed) buy the sim card kit from wal-mart. then call in and speak to T-Mobile customer service and ask them to switch you to this plan. this is copied from T-Mobile's support website for proof "We can switch you to that plan if you purchase the activation kit from Walmart and contact us with the code. Do not activate the new kit on your own as we have to do something special with it to activate you if you want to keep your same number. If you want a new number you can purchase the phone and kit in T-Mobile.com and as long as you activate your service on our site, you can select the $30/Month plan with 100 min and unlimited web/text." the way i did it 2 years ago was this order the sim kit from the T-Mobile website, or walk into a store and buy one. then, go online here and setup/activate your sim online. http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/prepaid-activate while going through the activation it will ask you which plan you want. the $30 plan should be offered there. there are 2 different $30 plans. make sure you pick the right one. you only get one shot at it. pick wrong, click activate and you'll have to buy a new sim and start over again. hope this helps you and anyone else wondering. J.R.
  15. these are both LGA 1156 cpu's one of my boards went out, and i can't seem to find a decently priced replacement. so i am going to sell one and keep the other. which ever one sells will determine my upgrade path. after looking at ebay these prices seem pretty competitive Core i3-550 Clarkdale - $30 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115065 http://www.ebay.com/bhp/intel-core-i3-550 Core i7-860 Lynnfield I've decided to keep the i7 will come with a brand new stock HSF or if you have a good working 1156 mobo laying around, let me know. J.R.
  16. $30 on the Roku? i can meet to pick it up today J.R.
  17. throw me on the backup list as well. i'm a bigger guy so the Viewt and 86 are probably out for me i'll happily drive any available though. would be wanting to bring my son along as well.
  18. the dog is still at my moms. she's good with other dogs and kids. it's my moms 1st dog that's spoiled and is not liking sharing attention. she has never had pups, and is not fixed. mom says she's not very well house trained at the moment either.
  19. yes, she knows. thanks for the info
  20. guess i should have added my origin name on here huh? origin id = x_Morabu_x
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