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Everything posted by morabu

  1. i don't see it on their website anywhere though. is it in store only or something? and did you personally see some up there or heard about them?
  2. Paul, just so you know. These WILL all still work with your Note 3. the fact that the note has a different cable setup does not mean they do not work. look at the note 3 cable and you will see that it is actually 2 pieces. one of which is standard micro usb. the other piece is to make it usb 3.0
  3. Free bump because the M109R is my favorite bike. and this is very similar
  4. i appreciate the offer, but Madden has been going for $49 brand new for like 2 weeks already everywhere. It was going for $40 flat last week on Amazon and Newegg.
  5. bump it will also trade for Madden 15 and $20 or Ryse and $30
  6. that 1st vid looked like fucking amazing fun! but Ensenada, Mexico looks like a real shithole
  7. No, it's a great game. I just ran through it. Trying to recoup money for Forza Horizon 2. I tend to play through a lot of games quickly.
  8. selling my copy of Destiny pictures in the CL link http://columbus.craigslist.org/vgm/4669561345.html $50
  9. i'm having a lot of fun with it. controls are great. visuals are amazingly good. story is interesting, if a bit vague (on purpose i think.) the multiplayer is quite fun too. pick it up.
  10. i am excited as fuck for this game after playing both the alpha and beta. what system and whats your gamertag/psn? Morabu LIVE / Xbox One we need to get a CR clan going. there are going to be missions that you cannot do with strangers you meet in the game. they must be in your friends list to do them. i remember having a blast in Forza and Borderlands with plenty of CR peeps. Let's get this going!
  11. this team looks like utter shit! also, i have to vent this. WHY IS THE HORSESHOE ONE OF THE 5 BIGGEST STADIUMS BUT IT'S NEVER CRAZY LOUD? i am soo sick of this place never making a difference in games. i know a little bit has to do with the shape of the shoe itself. however, i truly believe that most of our fans at the stadium get discouraged and pout way to easily! GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OUR GAMES! soo disappointed with this team/fans right now. and yes, i know a lot of what i just said can also be applied to the post i am making right now. lol
  12. Good job Shawn! i'm on the same mission myself. keep up the good work.
  13. the one thing you can take away from the defense this game, is poor ass tackling! doesn't matter what kind of offense they are running. if you're missing tackles in the open field, you're missing tackles plain and simple. i really hope they get their shit together in that department, or there's going to be a LOT of close games this year.
  14. i would love to own the Mono. the driver was clearly taking better lines as well. looked like some rich amateur having fun in his P1. while a real race car driver was tearing it up in the Mono.
  15. I like Braxton, i think he's better than a lot of QB's. However, i don't think he is a 2nd-3rd rounder. Even if he left at the end of last year. Let alone coming off of a serious injury and not playing ball for a whole year. 4-6th round gamble for athleticism IMHO. He NEEDS to come back and have a STELLAR year to make any real money in the NFL.
  16. LMAO took 7-8 dudes to help her ass out of the water.
  17. i have had really good service from these guys http://www.tekexperts.org/
  18. OMG Bill i'm so sorry for your loss. shit's going to be rough for a while. it will get better though. try to keep positive thoughts. anything we can do to help, let us know. i'm sure we all (CR) will do what we can. J.R.
  19. gets interesting at 17 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vd_OuqUAaI
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