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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    Dog attack....

    You never leave any dog alone with a small child, but I would trust many amstaffs and pitbulls with 2+ yr old children.
  2. LJ

    Dog attack....

    Cane Corsos are going to be the next "pit bulls"
  3. $15/day is super cheap
  4. Were you out cruising last night? Round 7
  5. Apparently Gape had sex with all of our wimmenz
  6. http://static.happyplace.com/assets/images/2012/05/4fb64ae351402.jpg
  7. One time I flew out of Ft. Lauderdale and arrived 2 1/2 hours early. I still had to be expedited to catch my flight. It was nuts.
  8. I'd say be there at 4 on the dot.
  9. They show the employee have to unlock an access door to get behind it to unplug it.
  10. LJ

    Asphalt companies

    We use Americoat.... I mean, they do the job and it's like $55 for my driveway. It's held up really well over the last 3 years
  11. Buckeye. Friend's parents have a $1 million house and property near Herron Bay. They have a big ass boat house that they don't use that they rented to us for $600 for the summer. We also have use of their one sundeck and their bonfire area. The best thing is that it is super private down their channel. People think that the buoys mark the channel, but they actually mark a sandbar, so to many, the channel is considered a giant hazard. Keeps everyone out. :gabe:
  12. My boat goes to it's new boathouse home on Wed. No lines for me!
  13. We were there Saturday making sure everything ran correctly. The new ramp is nice. Was choppy as fuck though. These 2 guys held up the ramp though. Everytime the guy in the truck would start turning just a little bit, the guy in the boat would start yelling at him, causing the guy in the truck to turn even harder going across multiple lanes. Sounds like the lessons are exactly what was needed for a lot of people.
  14. Yeah, I am on the side of "The NCAA is fucking retarded" with this one.
  15. I have one of these, not really powerful enough to do anything. My buddy has a real Dremel. We each bought the same bit and tried to race each other through a 1/8" piece of plastic. He won, I ground a divot into the plastic.
  16. My wife's friend interned at a vet clinic like this. Any non-licensed assistant has to be directly supervised by a Veterinarian. They had assistants performing as RVT's with no one present. They got a fine, "probation" and a disciplinary action put on their record. The employees avoided "practicing medicine without a license" charges because the practice itself was owned and supervised by licensed vets.
  17. Can't without a warrant. When Columbus enacted their ban, the police chief said it will only be feasible to enforce when it is suspected in an accident. No judge is gonna grant a warrant merely for a ticket.
  18. "Yes officer, I will sit here and wait while you try to obtain a search warrant to prove that I was texting"
  19. The top description fits him... but the second statement.... ROFL really?
  20. I didn't know if he was a bum or just a retired guy walking to the VFW every day. Or maybe a crazy bum walking to the VFW every day?
  21. He is always on the south side of the street.
  22. They dont dress like Jack Hanna
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