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Everything posted by LJ

  1. that has nothing to do with it. It's the reproductive cycles and such is why there are seasons. Also to make sure that the numbers are not terribly depleted
  2. Maybe I should just make fun of everything that you care about?
  3. I could post many facts about why hunting out of season can be detrimental to the wildlife. I can make up a fact sheet and PM it to you if I want? Never stated that. Dunno where you came up with that. I never once stated it was safe, I said that I wanted facts as to why it's dangerous. You couldn't provide those, so I said that your opinion is based on assumptions. I tried that once and you took it back off track
  4. Sorry that I believe in proper wildlife management and such. I dedicate a lot of time volunteering for such a cause and it means something to me.
  5. I'd turn my mother in for poaching
  6. because speeding, a civil misdemeanor and poaching a criminal misdemeanor all the way to felony, are the same.
  7. I just told you that no one owns the animals, what didn't you understand about that? That aren't YOURS to shoot. Right. All that right there proves our whole beef supply is tainted and is going to kill us You are making these assumptions based on "they're bad mmmkay" see above
  8. BTW, I am friends with about 8 Wildlife officers, why don't you tell me where your land is and we can see if you still have the same attitude about your poaching?
  9. You own the land, not the animals. They aren't yours to shoot. Too bad your assuming all 3 Portion control and balanced diets are key, not keeping your kid from having a happy meal every so often. How you parent is your business, but obviously you are trying to put your opinions out there with nothing to back them up.
  10. So not only are you a poacher and also base opinions off of emotion with no facts, but you are one of "those" Nice to know
  11. likely not, nor is it the same. But nice try.
  12. but back on topic a friend of mine had a funny ass quote today "Does that mean that I am supposed to get shit-housed drunk and order 15 beef/water/wheat oats/soy lecithin/maltodrextrin/anti-dusting agent/modified corn starch tacos? Because that is never going to work for me. "
  13. that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard
  14. I don't know why they are trying to stop it from coming out. I don't have that answer. I am ok with saying that I don't know. What I am not doing is sitting here making brash assumptions with no facts.
  15. So then your opinion is purely emotional and you know nothing about where it is, who uses it, how much is in the food supply, if it is harmful, etc etc etc, correct?
  16. all I am asking you to do is prove it with facts rather than emotion. Seems like you can't.
  17. more nothing from you. Still waiting for the answers
  18. Oh wow, another article. It says that 1 company had e-coli tainted meat Show me 1. Show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in the meat that taco bell uses 2. show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in the overall ground beef supply 3. show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in cooked beef Until then, you are merely using talking points. How about you also show me 1. the danger of eating meat that has been treated with ammonia gas 2. the danger of eating meat that his been treated with ammonia gas and properly cooked 3. the percentage of meat on the market today that has detectable amounts of ammonia in it 4. the detectable amount of ammonia in that same meat after being cooked properly Until then you are merely using this big scary word "ammonia" and not really saying anything.
  19. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
  20. 3 things. 1. Show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in the meat that taco bell uses 2. show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in the overall ground beef supply 3. show me the detectable amounts of ammonia in cooked beef
  21. You have no clue what you are talking about. In proper financial planning, a 30 year mortgage with extra payments is the proper way to go. Given most big bank rate spreads, if you get a 30 year mortgage and pay the difference between a 30 year and a 15 year at the same about, you pay the loan off in about 16 years. Difference is, you have the flexibility of having a lower payment in case of a layoff or something catastrophic. Just because you think you are invincible doesn't mean shit can't happen. Just as an example look at the sticky at the top of the page with Eric Yetzer. 33 and has cancer, that comes with tons of co-pays, deductibles etc. Having the ultimate flexibility in your financial situation and using debt as leverage and to your advantage is what makes millionaires. As for the ARM loans, interest only loans and such, they have their purpose. That purpose is not for the person buying their 30 year dream home.
  22. They need to figure out something, because the concern is that e-coli is becoming resistant to acid shock and that hay or grain fed cattle are showing the same amounts of e-coli
  23. BUt they don't need to be grass fed all the time. E-coli will continue to gow if they are just on grass, that is why grass fed beef is fed orange peels and such, to change the pH again to kill the ecoli. One way is not safer than the other, the problem is that producers are lazy and don't spend the time to acid shock a while before the cow's are slaughtered.
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