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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I mean 1979 level of Economic activity. On the DJIA... gramps says don't look for below 7500... he has been trading for ohhh.... 45-50 years. Another person I talk to, PhD from London School of Economics and has been a fund manager for years says that the major major support level is 8500 as P/E will be bottoming out for many Dow stocks at about that level. People are going to start buying up stocks when they go "hey... buying GE at only 5 times earnings? Get serious... DuPont at 6 times earnings? you lie....
  2. Let's worry about what to do with 1979 levels first
  3. Yes, TDI is the slam... Also, get yourself a ar-15/ak-47/9mm carbine and a 12 guage pump or semi auto and come down to Pickaway country and do 3 gun
  4. Well... i technically "bought" today, but I bought sells... if that makes sense... Make some good dough off of some ultrashorts... sold for +$8 on oil ultra short +$3.50 on Dow Jones ultra short
  5. the day is over... it closed at -315 and is settling around -360
  6. you don't even have to "buy" to make money right now
  7. exactly... and Cramer is pretty good at his market analysis as a whole, in terms of stock picks, he is a major loser.
  8. also, people keep complaining about "earmarks" and saying that Mccain lied about fighting earmarks... well, there was no spending added to the bill so therefore
  9. The tax bill it was tacked onto was a bill that had already passed the house
  10. LJ

    First gun

    No reason to spend that much money just plinking think about this .223 ammo is going to cost you about $.40 per round to shoot 9mm $.18 30-30 $.65 .22lr $.03
  11. Yep, they couldn't create a new financial bill in the Senate, they had to tack it onto something else already passed on from the House.
  12. LJ

    VP Debate

    Yeah, and if you focus that money into 1 thing you can do whatever you want. When I was growing up, my mom never worked, parents had 2 kids, dad made around $35k per year and we were out of town every weekend showing champion quarter horses and walking horses... guess we weren't "middle class" because we had an expensive hobby huh?
  13. LJ

    VP Debate

    ummm.... the majority of "middle class" americans don't drop thousands of dollars a year into cars BTW, if you hit 50 and don't have a net worth of $1 million in this day and age, you done fucked up in your life Paid off house, retirement accounts, cars, savings, stocks
  14. LJ

    VP Debate

    And so does 85% of this forum
  15. LJ

    Politics= WTF

    So where is the "silly shit"? I see this as something that HAD to be tacked onto a bill already passed by the house and sent to the senate because the senate CANNOT introduce this type of legislation. The bailout had to be tacked onto one of the yearly tax bills that goes through Congress in order to get the vote done. Plus, this is your basic tax break bill that you get all the time. I did pay attention and have actually read about 375 pages of the bill so I am sure I have a much better understanding of it than anyone else posting here.
  16. As a right wing fascist (well according to that politcal test) I will have to say... if you want to investigate abortion rights pertaining to the good of society, read Freakanomics
  17. LJ

    Politics= WTF

    repealing RIDICULOUS excise taxes is silly shit? Are peole just reaching for whatever they can to bitch about this?
  18. LJ

    Politics= WTF

    And to answer the question of why all the pork was added, the senate could not introduce the House's bill, so they had to tack it onto something else already there, a tax bill.
  19. LJ

    Politics= WTF

    I would like you to read the document and point out where they approved spending on anything other than the bailout They are all tax breaks and revised provisions (Mark-To-Market, FDIC limit)
  20. LJ

    Politics= WTF

    The American people wanted something in this bill for them, they go it through tax breaks (if you read the bill there are a lot of good tax breaks for the American tax payer, esp. people affected by the Hurricanes) and a increase in the FDIC insured amount to $250k
  21. wow, Hope and change, change, change, change chaaaaaaaaaaaange? Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange? http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/Previews/South-Park-tv-b77.jpg
  22. Fear is a stronger emotion than greed
  23. LJ

    Bail Out Fails!!!

    I've been saying this all along
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