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Everything posted by LJ

  1. oh wow a letter. Ever play in a District Final game where every media outlet, coach, fan in the state covering the game is saying you "can't" win and you go in and win by 2 td's? Using "can't" you have obviously blocked thousands of games from your own reality.
  2. You have obviously never played football if you use the word "can't" while predicting an outcome.
  3. Whatever you want to think... It's not a practical home defense shotgun... and yes they do kick harder, short barrel, solid shotgun no moving parts, those kick harder than my Citori's
  4. A coach gun would kick the shit out of a smaller woman. When you have 3 people in your house, do you ask them to hang on so you can reload? I've thought about getting a coach gun for beside the bed, but just not practical.
  5. 2 of the guys I 3 gun with have Saiga 12's... pretty neat guns
  6. In the grand scheme of things though, that would look the scariest to a criminal as well as you have 30 rounds and easy mag changes
  7. New law... no lawsuits can be filed on behalf of anyone killed, maimed or injured while in the act of committing a felony :-)
  8. fuck it, if you want the ultimate home defense.... Saiga 12 shotgun http://club.guns.ru/images/saiga12p.jpg
  9. oh and it's a semi auto and I can dump the tube in about 1.5 seconds
  10. Nice price Those leupold scopes are nice, my dad has one on his 700
  11. Chamber: 3" slug Magazine: 00 Buck, Slug, 00 Buck, slug, 00 buck, slug, 00 buck, slug
  12. It sucks, but it isn't like them bailing out a Wall St bank. Do you even know what a GSE is? I bet next you are going to start bitching about FDIC payouts
  13. I also feel that any Fed bailouts of completely private banks (such as Bear Stearns) should be an organized leveraged buyout like the LTCM situation in 1998. If you don't know what that is, look it up.
  14. Once again, another thread on another forum of people who don't understand who/what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are, what they do, or how they ended up in this situation. Fannie and Freddie were GSE's, chartered from a Gov't agency in 1968 (by no other than LBJ) into private organizations to "balance" the federal budget. They bought loans off of banks and sold them as bonds to increase liquidity of banks so that they could provide more loans. Fannie and Freddie DID NOT issue mortgage loans to buyers. The gov't takeover of these 2 was inevitable since 1968 and they never should be been privatized in the first place.
  15. Awesome, where did you find that? Price?
  16. shit, I'm 42 years too young to be living here!
  17. LJ

    Gun Crew?

    And their bullshit signs that say "don't you dare carry in here, or we will ask you to leave, and you don't we will trespass you!!"
  18. LJ

    Gun Crew?

    and car and you can carry in any establishment that sells alcohol for consumption off premises
  19. LJ

    Gun Crew?

    Here is a better description over the Dispatch's shitty one http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/5730/
  20. Church is just down the road from my house. When I passed it tuesday morning on the way to work I was like, wait WTF?!
  21. my 930 is great. They are really good guns
  22. If you really want to pay that much, why not just go to Gander Mountain and pick up the used Beretta 391 Urika they have there that's used for $699, best deal in the city for something like that
  23. That has been in effect since 1934 and requires the purchase of a $200 tax stamp and your local Head Law Enforcement officer must sign off (says yes you can have it) on your paperwork. Plus full auto weapons start around $2500 for a crappy Mac-10 because no new full auto weapons have been made available to the public since 1986
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