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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Ummmmm I thought Jack Maxton died like last year.... I dunno if he has a son named Jack Maxton though.
  2. Most ARE still happy with the the Americans being there. And yes it is a small # of militants compared to the overall population that likes having the U.S. there. BTW, I don't care too much for your liberal views. You are sitting here talking to a hardcore conservative republican.
  3. BTW, when the media shows the people who are fighting the U.S. and flicking the soldiers off.... Those are small groups of militants who liked Saddam, OR groups of people who want to take over the gov't themselves. Most people want the U.S. there. My cousin is stationed at the Airport in Baghdad, and he said people walk by and wave, they have learned to say "hello, go U.S.A." and things like that. Don't believe the liberal media.
  4. it's because the media is strongly liberal
  5. Eric Haw? I've seen him play. Nothing special. Ross will be starting this year. BTW, Clarret had a "middle of the road" speed for the tailbacks this year.
  6. Actually the NFL was just granted a Stay. They still have to win the court case. It's really complicated, and I don't feel like going into it, but there is still a good chance Williams and Clarret will be playing in the NFL next year
  7. LJ

    I'm a celebrity!

    It's a lifestyle
  8. LJ


    Why are you so obssesed with "gay". Are you a homophobe? Closet gay? is this you http://dickcream.com/landscaper/werd.swf ?
  9. LJ


    Meant to say children.
  10. LJ


    Hey... It's a lifestyle
  11. LJ


    Um..... They are all married with wives. Thanks, don't try again.
  12. LJ


    Doesn't make a difference. People hear "Blister in the Sun" and think the Violent Femmes are a joke band. These are probably the same ones that think Eminem is a serious rap talent graemlins/jerkit.gif
  13. LJ


    Wow, you really have good reasons to not like them
  14. LJ


    I went to the concert, it was pretty kick ass. You can say what you want about them, but if you like music, you missed a fucking kick ass show. I was right on the fence of the "2nd" level
  15. BAHAHAHAHAHAH ur hahahahahahaha sig hahahahahaahahahaha hilarious hahahahahahaha
  16. I saw it. Lots of action, lots of vengence, lots of cliche and cheesy lines. You make the call
  17. I would, but I have an exam to study for... SORRY
  18. LJ

    IQ Tests

    When I was in 5th grade they started up a gifted program at my school. I had to take an IQ test, and of course it was changed so the score reflected my age (so a 170 at that age would not = a 170 on one of those tests) After taking the test they came back to me and said I got a 139, and that was too low for their program.
  19. LJ

    Check out this band

    Umm, they dunno yet. They usually play at Whiskey Dicks, but they fuck them over so much. Hopefully at the Otterbein Music Festival on May 2nd
  20. http://rollinlow.net/menew.JPG I don't get haircuts, nor do I shave....but when I do have to get it cut, I just go to Saturdays. My cousin has a mullet, and he gets it trimmed at Charles Penzone
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