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Everything posted by LJ

  1. walloftext They deserve their money back. End of story.
  2. They had Pete Fiutak on the radio the other day and he said he thinks OSU will be in the Title Game because everyone else is just gonna lose.
  3. LJ

    Small claims court??

    I think he only had a warrant issued because of all the open judgements that he was avoiding. Our case made 5 total judgements, with 4 of them being with the State.
  4. LJ

    Small claims court??

    It was $75 to file in Fairfield County. I sued the previous owner over a $60 water bill he left us. It wasn't the money, it was the principle of the issue, due to other shit he put us through during the purchase. We went to the court date with the evidence. He didn't show up so we got default judgement for $135. He already had 4 outstanding judgements from the state for unpaid school taxes that he hadn't paid, so the judge issued a local bench warrant. I haven't seen a dime, but hey, he will get arrested if he gets pulled over anywhere near Fairfield County.
  5. According to Meyer, Bosa is starting over Diesel Washington going forward.
  6. Don't forget the conference championship game though.
  7. Hackenberg will be a junior in 2015. Good chance that Penn State will be the toughest team that year.
  8. So why won't they issue refunds when they said that they would ship in 45 days and also take returns? That is the issue it seems. They made promises and refuse to keep them.
  9. I don't think he can be any worse.
  10. The defensive breakdown today was kinda boring, as everything was just what we already knew. It's just nice to see others coming out and saying
  11. I really want to go to Blacksburg in 2015
  12. If O'Brien stays at Penn State, I think they will be a top 10 caliber team by 2015. I dunno what VT has coming in, but they did have a top 25 recruiting class in 13 and Michigan will have top 15 talent all over the field. Hawaii is at least better than FAMU. I'd say the schedule is 10 times better than this year's. In Blacksburg at night isn't going to be easy.
  13. As for Fickell I don't think his scheme is the issue. I think it's time the peanut gallery starts holding Withers and Coombs accountable. It's their guys that are blowing coverages, missing tackles, being completely out of place.
  14. Good Ross Fulton breakdown on 11W today. The few biggest points to take away 1. The first Braxton fumble was the correct read. The DE was just able to recover and make a hell of a play. Braxton had tons of green in front of him if he got around the end. 2. OSU runs fake zone read plays that are just RB runs. Some of the plays where everyone was screaming that Braxton was obviously pre-determining his read, may have actually been just straight up run calls. 3. NU was executing the scrape exchange http://www.elevenwarriors.com/sites/default/files/images/11w/play-diagrams/Screen%20Shot%202013-10-08%20at%207.49.25%20AM.png Braxton is told that if Decker looks overwhelmed with both, to play it safe and give on the zone read. 4. Kenny Guiton would have never made this play http://i.imgur.com/GMaD8Af.gif
  15. Past 3 years huh? Opinion = dismissed.
  16. That's not what I said, nor is it what was said the difference between the 2 is. Meyer wants 7-8 in coverage and all the pressure coming from the DL. Fickell wants to drop into different coverages and bring pressure with blitzes. People keep mis-interpreting what was said very badly. It was never said that either wants a "soft" zone. It was also never said that 1 wants more pressure than the other.
  17. Northwestern @ Wisconsin Michigan @ Penn State
  18. Meyer is of the Charlie Strong scheme. They didn't run one blitz in the 2006 national championship against Ohio State. It was all drop eight and get pressure with the defensive line
  19. Because American's are fat, lazy, violent, sloths. No amount of healthcare is gonna change that.
  20. So word on the street is that Fickell wants to play more cover 1 and blitz, and Meyer wants us to stay in a Cover 3, and rely on the DL to get all the pressure on the QB while sitting in zone with the safety in the box.
  21. Why? The rule corresponds to the opposite endzone. If you fumble out of your own endzone, it's a safety, and the other team gets the ball. If you fumble out of their endzone, it's a touchback and the other team gets the ball. What you guys are saying, would unbalance the rule, or you are looking at doing away with the safety.
  22. Whenever they showed a shot from behind the NU QB, Bennett was getting hooked HARD. You have to wonder what he could have done had he not been held most of the game.
  23. Had Decker not gotten steamrolled after 1 second, the DE wouldn't have got there.
  24. lol that pick was not even Miller's fault
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