Anthony, I looked everywhere I could think of to find Sonic CD, but had no luck finding it. If I come across it, I'll let you know. Also, where did you get all the Sega emulators/roms?
that's a damn shame
what kinds of things are you all looking to download? I have a few links I can post up, if interested.
edit: well, it seems that every site that I look through is now either dead or down at the moment. though, I do have a good music site I could post up.
Hines? In the Pro Bowl? With what stats? He's not quite at the top of stat in the AFC. Granted he's a great blocker, but don't quite see him in the Pro Bowl this year.
Quantum Racing's addy comes up as Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for but figured I'd let you know. smile.gif