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Everything posted by VDUB

  1. VDUB

    Girl needs a new ride

    Heh, I thought the exact same thing.
  2. Anthony, I looked everywhere I could think of to find Sonic CD, but had no luck finding it. If I come across it, I'll let you know. Also, where did you get all the Sega emulators/roms?
  3. I have NES/N64/SNES emulators on my XBOX. They actually get quite a bit of play too.
  4. VDUB

    NFL Championships

    Not to mention the Pats didn't have Corey Dillon the first time around either.
  5. VDUB

    CBR was sweet

    What are you talking about?
  6. Well, aren't you special Dan? tongue.gif
  7. Hate to say it, but Tilt was pretty bad too.
  8. Worst show ever created.
  9. +1. My friend has gotten me hooked on 24 recently too.
  10. hey man, where about in Pittsburgh? I'm currently enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh right now.
  11. VDUB

    Your Ideal Girl

    This may sound stupid, but how exactly did you go about the process of finding the traits that you find attractive?
  12. The Sleeping - Believe What We Tell You
  13. VDUB

    Good xbox games?

    what kind of games are you in to?
  14. that's a damn shame what kinds of things are you all looking to download? I have a few links I can post up, if interested. edit: well, it seems that every site that I look through is now either dead or down at the moment. though, I do have a good music site I could post up.
  15. VDUB


    Hines? In the Pro Bowl? With what stats? He's not quite at the top of stat in the AFC. Granted he's a great blocker, but don't quite see him in the Pro Bowl this year.
  16. Quantum Racing's addy comes up as quantum-racing.com.com. Not sure if that's the kind of thing you were looking for but figured I'd let you know. smile.gif
  17. One of the American Idol finalists, I believe.
  18. VDUB

    Photochoped Evo 8

    +1. graemlins/nod.gif
  19. I was hoping I'd never have to hear that again.
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