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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. It works. You get a direct link also when you upload. Or you can opt for the format for a message board. But I guess this way you can have a thumb nail for people to click on. Since that image is so big it was probably a good idea.
  2. That'd be nice. I might acually pay for radio then. he's got 18 months or so before his 5 year contract starts on satilite. He gets 3 channels to program. Should be interesting.
  3. That title cracks me up. graemlins/lol.gif Price $9,200 http://www.geocities.com/hamks18psi/asiantalon.htm
  4. Alex1647545498

    hick chick

    That's a sad story.
  5. Why would you want to know? graemlins/puke.gif
  6. Also... The pretensioners are the seal belt buckles on the front seats. There is a yellow connector under the trim on the outer edge of the seats. With the ignition off, disconnect the connectors, wait a couple of minutes and then reconnect them. Turn the ignition on and the light should be out.
  7. "When your vehicle’s air bag computer senses a system fault it will light the warning indicator. To communicate the problem to us humans it will flash the warning light in a series of flashes and pauses. The series you’ve described are for a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 32. DTC 32 means that the computer senses too much resistance in the wiring from the computer to the air bag and back again. With that said it doesn’t get easier. The most common cause we’ve seen for this problem has been the clock spring assembly in the steering wheel and the horn doesn’t always stop working. If it should then it is the likely culprit The problem has to be diagnosed to be sure that the right part gets replaced." http://www.alldata.com/techtips/2001/20010108c.html
  8. Probably has a loose electrical connection to a sensor or a sensor is going out. If you can have the code read when it's on then you'll know which one.
  9. I found this and thought I'd share. Feel free to post other ones if you have them. http://imageshack.us/
  10. I found this just now. http://imageshack.us
  11. Sex sells? Is he including his girl? tongue.gif Nice though. Good luck!
  12. That makes more sence... Didn't think they would be that retarded.
  13. So Erica can just speed around town all day and night and never pay a fine? That doesn't make sense.
  14. Anyone else thinks her boobs looks weird? Like one nipple is so much lower then the other. Just doesn't look right to me. She shouldn't go topless.
  15. pm'ed you to request quote... my back window is pretty small.
  16. You should never have to pay someone to work for them. I would raise a big BS flag in their face if I were you. Think about it. If it's really that easy for you to make back the money in a couple days, then the company should be able to make enough profits from you in a few days to cover the expenses of this so called "start up fee". But hopefully they can explain it. Good luck! I just saw the rip off report. It's more then the insurance sellers that are being ripped. Many people are complaining about their insurance plan. That they get no coverage or Ameriplan will not refund or stop billing their credit cards after cancelling. That's pretty messed up if you ask me.
  17. Chill man, the wideband suggestion was constructive.
  18. I'd help again this weekend. If it's not done yet. Not that I did much any way.
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