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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. Got laid off. I'm not doing IT stuff really anymore. Making less then I was but it's enough for now.
  2. I guess other people here play gunbound. What's your ID? Mine's neco43068 smile.gif
  3. PM him with offers if you do have to offer.
  4. PM him with offers if you do have to offer.
  5. RE tongue.gif Still funny though.
  6. We have a little one going on here.
  7. I wouldn't mind having lambo doors on the 2. But I can't justify spending that much money just so my doors will open differently.
  8. He probably did brag about it. That's probably the only reason he got cought. Sounds like someone was jealous.
  9. He's da pimp. If we can only be that lucky at 14. http://www.nbc5.com/news/3472583/detail.html?z=dp&dpswid=2265994&dppid=65192 (see slide show) http://thesmokinggun.com/archive/0628042teach1.html http://www.starbanner.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040629/NEWS/206290302/1001/FEATURES01
  10. Alex1647545498


    I think my import is cool not hot. I guess it's not for me then.
  11. Yeah they are. I only post so rarely because I rarely see ones worth posting.
  12. I can take 100+ pics for you if you want. I'm sure there would be some good pics out of them. I won't charge a dime. Well... if you want to bring a cd to copy the images on to that would be cool.
  13. Yeah man, like I said before... 2200. tongue.gif Nice Jeep though. graemlins/thumb.gif I'm just not into them.
  14. Yeah man, like I said before... 2200. tongue.gif Nice Jeep though. graemlins/thumb.gif I'm just not into them.
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