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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. I don't know... try it on a different computer.
  2. One of my friends had one of those. It caught on fire in my driveway He parked, came inside and few minutes later neighbors came to point out it's on fire. Seriously, true story. I don't hear about them catching on fire other than that incident though.
  3. Clear your temp internet files and history then try again.
  4. You would think they would need a card for that. Don't know how they would get another card but anything is possible. I've never had to go through that before so don't know what you would do other than google and see if the bank would refund you.
  5. You have a lot of free time on eh?
  6. I wouldn't have taken a walk that day if I knew it was going to cause a commotion.
  7. That would be cool if they did that here.
  8. Maybe limewire fixed whatever was wrong? If you google it you will see many has had problems. Meh?
  9. Limewire doesn't work... use Ares.
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