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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. Slow weekend? Not according to this thread. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=27459 Seemed like that person got what he was asking for but no one stepped up. Eh, life goes on.
  2. We'll see it on ebay.
  3. Haven't played in a long time.
  4. Eh, I didn't read your sig. Doh!
  5. http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/us/Products/Consumer+Products/Home+Video/Studio+Family/Studio+version+10_5 I have the Studio version 9. It should do what you need it to do. I can burn you a copy if you need it. PM me if you do.
  6. She's not even hot. What a waste.
  7. I'll let you know when I hit the mega millions.
  8. http://www.columbusracing.com/forumsindex.php?
  9. It's not a v6 it's a 6 spd. Too bad I don't want another car payment. sweet ride yo.
  10. I don't attempt to figure you out. I don't want to go crazy. wagawagawagawagawaga
  11. So what you're saying is that you're easily amused.
  12. Me and Jason (wnaplay) put up the fence in my yard so if you need any help then let me know.
  13. I have extra 4' fencing if you need any. I got at least 25' left from my yard. If you want to put doors on each side to cover the entire 19' then it not be too cheap. I got two 4' long gates and they were only $26 each. But I saw the longer ones and they were much more. If you get 8' long ones the price pretty much doubles and that wouldn't even cover 19'. I would suggest you put another end post up and use more fence to cover it then just buy regular gates. I can fit my car through the 2 gates when opened if that's what you're going for.
  14. Right click then save target as worked for me.
  15. Heck yeah me too. I'd want to buy it when Erica is sleeping and then put it in the bed with her as she's waking up. JACKPOT!
  16. Yeah... would see them as a line or wall of some kind. But yeah... you get my drift.
  17. I believe in higher power or higher dimensional beings. Somewhere out of our "system". Dimensional as in... Imagine: If you were a 2 dimensional being on a piece of paper and that's all you know. You will not be able to see height. You would run around every day with your 2D friends with lines as walls around your house and such. But a 3D being will be able to look down and see right through your house, car, your world, and even your body. That 3D being will be able to make something appear as if by magic because all he/she would have to do is set something down. But you have no concept of this "down" so you believe that god just sent you a present. This god will be able to create new worlds for you, be able to teleport you to places by picking you "up" then droping you "down" elsewhere. This god will be able to do unimaginable things. But we are not able to imagin those things that higher dimensional beings are able to do. We are limited by our own "system". It might be easier for people to think of the other posibilities if they were to think smaller... such as 2D.
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