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Posts posted by supldys

  1. I had an old windows phone that use to do that with T-mobile. It had something to do with available 4G bands, even though the phone was unlocked it couldn't access all the carrier provided bands so the phone would drop on and off even though it had a good signal.

    But I also had an old provider that used to claim dropped calls being due to sunspots...never bought into that one

  2. Well....I ordered them yesterday haha. I can add an amp if I need to so not a huge deal. Worst part of that is taking the center console apart on the Dodge to get to the radio.....kind of a pain in the ass.


    Did you put them in? Any good?

  3. This is one of those things where TV and movies have caused people to think the world is more organized than it is.


    Say a patient is brought in unresponsive with a racing pulse. They suffer a stroke and die. Cause of death = stroke. But then they're tested for drugs and they're high out of their minds on meth. Cause of death = meth overdose. But did the meth cause the stroke? Maybe they would have had that stroke regardless, and the meth was a coincidence. Who knows?! All the doctors know is that there was a stroke, and there was a lot of meth, and so they write both down.


    Anyone compiling statistics on meth overdoses will include that death in their numbers. And generally the world agrees with that approach -- there's no pro-meth lobby accusing doctors of inflating meth related deaths for personal gain.






    Whenever there's a crisis, there's always someone trying to benefit from it. Why would this be any different?

  4. That's actually 2.5%, not 0.025%.


    I'm not sure what to make of the numbers. Overall the US rate seems to be flattening -- still a bit worse than a true linear progression but getting closer to one. Ohio's infected rate, likewise, seems to be slowing down. Social distancing at work? Maybe. But our hospitalization rate is still increasing exponentially, and today in the conference DeWine said we're only able to do 280 tests per day in state. That's pretty close to the number of new infections we've added over the last few days. I don't know how many tests are getting sent out of state.


    I'm hopeful.


    eta: And I gotta say, DeWine has been a goddamn rockstar at these daily briefings. Clear, direct, honest and transparent.


    Yup 2.5% death rate in Ohio so far. But the infection rate is still about .016%

    NY and NJ are still 50% of the cases in this country, CA and WA are the next 8%.

  5. The asymptomatic patients who aren't staying home are still spreading it.


    The % isn't necessarily what gets you. Even if it's a low % that end up hospitalized, that physical number is going to overwhelm the healthcare system, even here in Ohio.




    Incorrect. We are testing for H1N1 as well because it shows up on your normal respiratory PCR panel. H1N1 isn't the problem. COVID-19 (positives and rule-outs) is the problem and is only going to get worse. Because numbers




    Right now. The hospitals are clearing out in anticipation of surging. Our census at Grant is about half of what it normally is on a regular day (which brings up other questions for me...).


    Testing is the big slowdown right now but it's getting better. Initial results were taking upwards of 7 days, now most are 24-48 hours with some being as quick as 6hr. Sitting on a patient for 7 days while you wait for results to come back is a huge killer of resources, so the fact that they are turning them around much more quickly is greatly appreciated.


    I appreciate the good info, what I was reading is once covid is positive they ignored other tests, I'm glad to see that's not the case. Thanks for the hospital insight as well

  6. Do you really believe we only have 1100 cases? I'm guessing you also believe Wuhan that has a population of 11 million only had 80k.

    We only have 1100 cases because we aren't testing enough people.


    If the cases are higher that means there's more cases with mild to no symptoms, that makes the virus even less dangerous. Just a theory, but my theory is a large number of the severe cases are actually coinfections with the H1N1, Amy acton admitted that it's possible but no one is testing for it. They attack respiratory cells from different angles and can be devastating when they're both present.


    As far as exponential growth, super scary, but if it doubles every 3 days that means the last 3 days accounts for 50% of the population. That growth rate just isn't sustainable. Yes the wuhan can be bad and flare ups can happen anywhere, but Ohio is doing pretty well right now.

  7. Wow.


    It is absolutely aggravating how so many people continue not to take this seriously. We're like 10 days away from our (Columbus) hospitals being war zones and we're still fighting this perception that it's "just another flu" or a "media scare" and we'll all be back to normal by Easter.


    Dude, I'm sorry but its just not to that level. There are 1100 cases in Ohio, worst case hospitalization rate is about 15%, thats 165 beds. The American Hospital Directory says theres over 27000 beds in Ohio, and average about 65% full, that leaves 9,445 beds. Then you have to account for all the people that will be discharged in that time before the new cases come in.

    Franklin county specifically there's been 61 cases and 9 hospitalizations. Calm down

  8. My mower was having this issue, I just replaced the carb. Got the whole kit for like $20 on amazon.

    Depending the model there should be some fuel adjustment screw, I had an old mower that would tighten the screw with vibration to where it would cut off fuel.

  9. I've never been much of a worry type person but for some reason this shit has me shook to the core. It's just terrifying shit to have to wake up to every day and the nightmare gets worse every day.


    Thats a bummer man. Its a virus, not a boogeyman thats going to get you in the middle of the night.

    Maybe I 'm not scared enough


  10. Nice commentary indeed. And RARE, given how quiet many current and former cabinet members are of Trump.


    All great points above why people shouldn't be defending Trump's behavior. He has done a number of very good things over the last 3 years, but his presidency will be defined by how he took 2 steps forward and tripped himself 6 steps backward at every turn. He is his own worst enemy, in a country of hard-working, free-thinking people.


    I have nothing more to add at this point, and I appreciate the open dialogue. Much love, CR! :).


    Oh.....and the swamp isn't drained.




    Oh....and RECORD DEFICIT is about to get even more record-er. :D


    OK I'm done now.


    Clay, you've given great points and I'm glad we could discuss them with civility. You're still my favorite

  11. I will blame the media for a lot of the hysteria. When it's found the lethality rate is actually 1% in the US and not 3-4% (and less than 1% if you consider the Seattle nursing home as its own cluster event), they had an opportunity to say "not as deadly as once thought," instead the headine is "10 times more deadly than the flu!" They spin it exactly the way they need to keep people watching.

    We disagree because we are looking at the issue from different perspectives and that's great, we need different perspectives. I don't think this virus is as bad as they say, when Trump said no big deal, it wasn't a big deal. We were at 10,000 cases in the same amount of time that the swine flu had reached 1 million people. That's a big difference. Is that saying it can't reach that number? no, but like I said before NY, CA, WA, and NJ are driving the numbers way up. The real issue is that we're paralleling a really bad seasonal outbreak of H1N1, so combine them and the situation is a lot worse. But if you keep everyone focused on the new exotic disease, then they keep people watching.

  12. In response to the Nigeria overdoses, I doubt any of them saw Trump's speech, nor cared. They probably got a rumor from a chain of people, just like that ridiculous stuff about the national guard mobilizing for martial law, and made a poor decision based on it. I mean, 44 people in Iran died from methanol poisoning because they heard a rumor that alcohol kills corona. You can't put that on Trump.

    I guess I'm still not sure exactly what he's done wrong except not speaking with the demeanor you prefer?

    The rise of the economy can be directly attributed to his actions, but you can't deny that the market is down due to this pandemic. If no one is flying or going to the movies because they don't want to get sick, that's a little different then providing beneficial tax cuts to bring back industries that were outsourced to China or Mexico.

    IMHO, this wuhan outbreak isn't as bad as the media is portraying. The problem is, good ol H1N1 is making a comeback hard this year and is hospitalizing young people worse than the 2009 pandemic (0-4 yrs old and 18-49) or second only to 2009 (5-17 yrs old). So if you have one disease affecting one group and another disease affecting another, you have to take some dire actions. I would rather people complain about how he speaks to a reporter, then spend more time contributing to panic and making the situation worse than it is.

    Just my opinion

  13. Ohio is averaging about 2-3 cases a day (Since it hit the US). With 11 Million people that's like a .002% chance of infection.

    Hang in there guys.

    Sarcasm aside, Ohio is doing pretty good, has the lowest number of cases among all the states >10 million people. CA, WA, NY, and NJ are a different story,

  14. One of my Air Force friends lives in Austin and he says the California invasion is real and he hates it. Same thing going on in Phoenix. As long as our shitty winter keeps those nutbags away from Columbus, I'm staying here... :lol:


    I hope it works. Ohio seems far and away more 'Murica then Texas does right now

  15. Sorry late to chime in, but I'm in San Antonio now. Lived here in 2011 and 2015 and loved it. However do to some poor leadership this place is falling apart. Roads are garbage and the highways are expanding at about a third of the rate of housing development. It was a big city with small town feel before, now it's just a big city where everyone thinks they're the most important person, when clearly I'm the most important.

    My commute use to be 35 minutes, now it's an hour and a half. Same distance.

    All my cars have windshield cracks from the rocks and trash on the roads.

    We live in one of the good parts of town and the school was built for about 450 kids and it's pushing 900. Everything's overcrowded.

    Certain policies , or maybe just the policymakers, are destroying commerce and the schools around here,

    Fun town to visit, but we'll be moving back to Ohio as soon as I get my air Force separation approved.

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