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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell


    Since I host the forum I'll be the judge of who is and isn't wasting space.
  2. After the week I've had, I can't wait. Looking forward to blowing off some rounds.
  3. excell


  4. I got home at 4PM and the basement was water-free. Little sump pump made quick work of it. The water level was just to the bottom of any electronics on my hot water heater and furnace. I cleaned both of them up, turned my gas on, and fired them up. No problems! I got a lot of the water sucked out of the carpet and have the de-humidifier in the area on ludicrous speed. Water exposure to the drywall, door, and woodwork seems minimal. There was no swelling on any of it. So, we'll see how the carpet dries out. My dumpster was delivered yesterday just as I was getting home. I spent the rest of the time getting boxes of shit up. All 20 of them. They were heavy BEFORE the flood, now they're soaked with water. I got all of them up, but my muscles sure got a workout. Makes me miss working out every day. I still have a lot of work to do, but so far so good. The moral of the story is: If you have a basement with a sump, get a $20 water alarm from a hardware store. Seriously.
  5. Good info so far. I'm going to imagine that by the time I found the water it had been in the bottom of the stair area for about 3-4 hours. The rest of the basement probably 6-7 hours. I know it was dry last night at 6PM, so it had to fill up overnight when it started raining. I would imagine it's all drained now, the sump pump was working it's ass off when I left at 10AM and the water level was already down about an inch. I have a carpet cleaner and I'm going to try my ass off to salvage the carpet. I have a vacuum-type carpet cleaner and if I vac it up really well I think it has the potential to be fine. The drywall, molding, and door is what I'm most concerned with. I hope they'll just dry out and that's the end of it. The walls are block, and they'll dry. I don't really care if they have a water mark or something, that does not concern me. I don't think anyone buying the house will notice anyway, cause it's always had a little mark on it from when the house was built. As soon as I step in the door I'll get the de-humidifier going so it can start drawing out water. I need to wipe down and have a look at my hot water heater and furnace. They were both under some water, how much I'm not sure. I'm hoping not more than an inch or so, and I should be okay. We'll see. If either or both is damaged, then obviously I'm going to need to get my insurance involved. Here's hoping. I'm not sure how much my rates will increase, but I know I get a "loss-free" discount now. I don't mind the work to keep it as long as the major parts of this deal are fine.
  6. I didn't lose power, the backup unit failed.
  7. I've already called a few. You're right, estimates of about $2000. No, I bought the battery back up to power the pump in the event of an extended power outage. Lotta good that did! The pump is fine and pumping right now. Yes, my homeowners will cover everything after my $500 deductible. I don't care about the deductible, but my monthly rate will go up if I make a claim. If I don't have to, I won't. I already planned the dumpster, I didn't lose anything of great value (only sentimental value), and I have all of the cleanup items. My Dad is bringing over his power washer. I just didn't know if there was something else I should be thinking of.
  8. Mold is going to have a tough time sticking to concrete blocks and floor. The amount of carpet is like 3x3.
  9. The battery backup for my sump pump failed. The engineer who designed it, apparently, didn't think a fail-safe bypass circuit in case of battery failure was necessary. So I had 3" of water in my basement. I already shut my gas off at the meter until the water finishes pumping out so I can test my water heater and furnace. I dig on getting all the shit out of there. I've already ordered a dumpster. I dig on pressure washing the piss out of it. I dig on setting up a de-humidifier on warp speed. I have finished stairs. The bottom of the stairs, door, walls, etc. was under water. What the hell do I do with that? Get a carpet cleaner and hope the drywall doesn't come unglued? Is there anything else I should do?
  10. Pretty sure he INVENTED the language of thuggin'...
  11. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  12. Ouch. I had a similar situation with my F250. Some dipshit caused nearly $4000 worth of damage to it. It's infuriating, to say the least.
  13. Actually, I bought it. The car might actually have a race without the usual excuses afterwards.
  14. You are such a pussy. Do it yourself.
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