Shawn, this is a pretty common thing going on right now, unfortunately. These people are fucking BRAVE too. They did this to one of my neighbors as their SON was playing in the driveway! Walked right past him and took something out of the garage, and walked right back out. I close my garage if I'm going to be away more than one minute. It sucks, but what else can you do?
Also, during the day, they have been kicking in basement windows and slipping into the basement. Now they have all day to go through your shit. The only advice I can give is to put up frosted paper on your basement windows so they can't see through them. I think that is a big enough deterrent. But I'm also going to pick up a few of these key-pad protected magnetic window/door alarms at Home Depot. They are about $20 each. I figure that's good insurance. If you want the frosted paper, let me know and you can swing by and grab it. I have almost the entire roll left.
On the bright side, I have seen a LOT more Police and Sherriff patrols in the neighborhood so at least they know the problem exists. Caveat of living within hooptie putting distance of the Hilltop, I guess.