Yep. No title = can't run it on the street. It's probably stolen. If you are the owner you can get a replacement title in about three min. at any title agency.
$52.50 for the "best" seats, with $41.50 and $31.50 levels.
Plus ~$15 per ticket Ticketmaster faggot fucking bullshit stick-it-in-your-ass monopoly fees.
Two tickets for me were $128.80 total.
I'm looking for a scooter, not a mini-bike or a pocket bike.
Similar to this:
230lb guys look fucking stupid and fit even worse on a mini or a pocket bike.
It was me, I took it out cause a friend thought he might get flak at work.
FYI Sam was the first to post it. I stole it from him.
Ah, I didn't read the whole thing.
Is it just not showing the SES, or did you actually SCAN it to make sure? Pending and history codes won't trip the light...