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Everything posted by excell

  1. Ahahahahaha. :woowoo: I think I'm the only person on CR that likes you.
  2. What we REALLY need is the video of Aaron's Cavalier beating Anthony's Z28...
  3. excell


    Or maybe he SAW a sticker?
  4. excell

    Chris Green

    http://www.excellgtp.com/pics/love_you.jpg For those of you that get a red-X.
  5. excell

    Chris Green

    Yes, I have a nice set of tits. No, I sold it instead.
  6. excell

    Chris Green

    Like you are one to talk. :marc2: It's okay Eli, I love you too.
  7. You guys have your hands in a lot of forums and communities. Please keep an eye out for chasses matching these descriptions and PM me if you find something. Car #1: Rolling chassis Firebird, preferred 98+ body. Would like to find one that has a lot of suspension work and/or cage. Car #2: Rolling chassis fox body Mustang, 1982-1986 preferred. No later than 1990. NO RUST, would like decent or good paint but if the price is right, having to do a paint job is okay. Also would like to find one that has a lot of suspension work and/or cage. An SVO chassis would be a big plus. Auto, manual, none of it matters. None or blown motor/trans okay and preferred to keep the cost down. Anywhere in the Midwest is fine. For the right deal, would be wiling to drive within a day (10 hours) of Columbus. Before anyone asks, NO, I’m not building a car. I’m looking for a few friends. Thanks guys.
  8. Holy nose on Angela. She's got a be a fellow jew.
  9. excell


    But why is the rum gone?
  10. excell


    Hey I wasn't included in the list.
  11. Holy shit Shawn! I should probably swing by and shake your hand, or give you a cigar, or something.
  12. Ben, I'm going to ban you for a week the next time you do this. I swear I will. Schmuck.
  13. If you can raise the money; signed, notorized, and sealed.
  14. Or how about I have my network admin move CR over to our Linux server, I set your MAC on fire, and kick you in the balls?
  15. Hey, I have a great idea. Let's have a donation. If we can raise $25,000, I will ban myself from CR forever and donate 10% of it directly to CR. I will also continue to donate bandwidth. Think it's possible?
  16. Please make the check out for $1,000,000. Thanks.
  17. Anthony, are you on drugs?
  18. Hey Keith, go ahead and send them my name and address. They are more than welcome to come looking, hell I'll make them all espresso. I'll show them how my meth lab in the basement works, too.
  19. I'm a licensed CCW. Yes, I carry often. Why? Because I can. It's true the Ohio laws suck balls compared to Texas and Florida, so you need to be prepared for that. Am I prepared to shoot and kill someone if I have to? Absolutely. You need to be sure too, before you carry. I recommend the class to everyone whether you go full-on and get the certification or not. You learn a lot about firearms, society, and yourself. But don't equip unless you are really ready to kill another human being. I carry a Ruger P89 9mm most of the time, but it's a little big. Now that I'm having a silencer installed onto it semi-permanently it's no longer practical for day-to-day carry, so I'll be carrying my P90 .45 for a while. It's even bigger, but it will have to do until I can get a small ~3-5 shot .45. As for where and how I carry, sorry, that's a personal secret. I also don't carry just one gun some of the time.
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