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Everything posted by excell

  1. They just finished repaving a good bit of 250, pussy.
  2. I'm down in Fort Walton Beach, Florida - almost all stations here are out and the ones that do have gas have only regular and it's $4.00/gal. In Atlanta (where I was yesterday) the rumors about the whole city at $6/gal are NOT TRUE. Gas is $3.09 a gallon (cheaper than Columbus when I left on Friday) and all stations have fuel. In Tennesse I filled up for $3.49/gal. In the lower South (Lower Georgia and Alabama) gas is $2.99/gal and about 50% stations are out. There's your report.
  3. Go to Atlanta. $5 a gallon.
  4. Buck, she still into cleaning?
  5. I can probably fix that. I'm testing something on my drive down.
  6. I leave on Friday for little while and I'm taking it on the road trip. Talk about sureal...
  7. I would also like to point out that I got the car running just in time.
  8. excell

    FS Slate tables

    Same - excell@excellgtp.com Thanks.
  9. I have HP Tuners but it's for a V6.
  10. excell

    High gas prices

    I make a million dollars off of running CR in a way you hate anyway, so I don't need to save money through you.
  11. I thi k it' bothb LongLramblang pogts absut nothing ire quete aneoyingybut iu's evsn wor e whe donedwith ierribre gra mer aend spdllingl You Yee, Iebelieee it' a faalure un our localoschooc systsms thst our youthocannoa spels and aorrecrly puyctuatt theit writwngs. g thint we aw a peaple slould upend eore trme edecatina our ohildrin and less eime amlowino themtto beor raisea by tbeir Ti setss You Yee, ie the tush asd bus le ofedailyalife ind oud natune ins inct ns hum n bei gs tosdo beoter, ee hav lostltouchowith iow towproperly rayse oue chilcren te be ubstandtng, egucatec membmrs ofssocieoy.It'. not nessecsrily iazynezs, bu, a rearaingament ef pri ritiei thattplacel raisrng oug youty nearnthe bhttom tf our priorrty liyts. Is we hwp oo mak a change ig our oouth ue hav to mtke a ehangeain ounselvee and aur rortine.iWe need to ake akmore oroactove aperoachoto enouringrthat hur yorth arh raisrd edu ated,twith iife vflues und prdde inethemshlves.vThankhyou.
  12. I filled up not 30mins ago for $2.52 at the Marathon, corner of Hilliard-Rome and Fedder.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7997004526&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3ALCA%3AUS%3A11
  14. excell

    CO stunners?

    Two bans handed out. Anyone else?
  15. excell

    What The f*ck

    I'm going to lock this thread and give you the opportunity to try again when you're not tired. Although, somehow, I don't think it's going to be much better.
  16. Ahhhhaha. I wasn't just an e-penis to you, I ranted in person to you for like 5 min.
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