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Posts posted by excell

  1. Originally posted by Wease:

    I'm assuming that it was in the zone downtown where the speed limit goes from 65 to 55? :confused: 'Cause 4 MPH over is a pretty shitty ticket to get... graemlins/wtf.gif

    Yea, everyone zips through there. I WANT to do 58-60 cause I'm trying to not get another ticket for a while, but I don't like getting passed by SEMI TRUCKS. redface.gif
  2. I'm a gold member and it's worth every penny, especially if you travel a lot. With all of the people I've bailed out and all of the money I've saved on hotel shit, it's well worth the $60 or whatever a year.
  3. Originally posted by MadMalibu:

    You have to take the e^X and convert it into ln(x). Then, after you have that whole thing converted, you will get everything on the same side and set the equation equal to zero. Then solve.


    Hope that helps, it's easier to explain in person.


    What the fuck? :eek:
  4. Originally posted by Wease:

    You don't really need a big, nasty dog for a guard dog. A barking dog attracts unwanted attention. It really doesn't matter how big or small the dog, if someone is breaking into your house, he/she will let you know... smile.gif

    I know that a toy poodle is ok for YOU, you big sissy, but no. I want a dog that when it barks, it shakes the windows. :D
  5. Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

    I just can't understand people wanting vicious dogs. I want a dog I can always trust, and don't have to worry about when other people come over, or if he/she gets loose.

    Dog's are only viscious if you raise them that way. Another reason why I will not get a rescued or stray dog...
  6. Originally posted by Neo:

    How long do they keep them in service for?


    Also the places where we have goten our dogs are great deals. Something like 50 or 75 bucks and you get all of their shots there for something like the first six months for free or cheap and get it spade or nutered when the time is right for very cheap (like 50 or 75 bucks I think).

    From what I have seen anywhere from 5-8 years old.
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