USPSA, IDPA, 2 Gun and 3 Gun here for a few years now. Easy to get started in all of them. USPSA/IPDA go to a match and pay. USPSA is where most people go because the rules arent as strict and the RO's are better to work with while being just as safe.
3 Gun you need to go to a bigger match (Indy, Miami rifle and pistol) and pay to play. First year of both IPDA and USPSA I shot in unclassified to get a feel.
Two years ago I was going to matches every weekend (either saturday or sunday) but had to travel a bit just to get ready to class.
Im going to be listing my G35 Limited Class gun here within a week along with safariland holster, CR Speed mag pouches and belt if anyone is interested. Won a bunch of matches with that set up.
By the way some of the best shooters in the nation reside in or close to Ohio. Ive shot with Bob Vogel for a few years now and is by the far the best teacher anyone could ask for. Best part is he is a hour northwest of Columbus.