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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    Remembering 911

    It's a sad site to see how things are ending up in this world. Violence has sure taken a turn for the worst. I still remember being at work and watching the news that day. We let out early, and I was thinking about how, and what people were going through at that terrible time. God Bless all the men and women who have put there lives on the line for the protection of others and this country. Hope one day it changes for the better instead of hearing more terrible and heartbreaking things such as this.
  2. Amy

    Say a prayer

    Thanks everyone again!
  3. Amy

    Say a prayer

    Thank you very much guys. It's kinda rough, we don't really have any family left really. But thank you for the kind words! (Not looking forward to another flight to CA , since I hate flying but guess it's something ya gotta do)
  4. Amy

    Say a prayer

    Well my our family had a death this morning. My aunt in california. She was a cancer patient. The disease finally progressed beyond her bodies campabilities. Were flying out this week for the funeral but.. Hope everyone can say a prayer for my family. Thanks!
  5. I know Casey went. I had to miss it due to a family emergency but heard it was a great time as usual! I might head out today after working out... anyone else going?
  6. Well, I know I wanted to fight back when I took my Benz in and they wanted like $200.00 dollars for a oil change... I went down the street to NTB and got it for $20.00 bucks.. RETARDS!
  7. Brian you are way to ubber special.. and Mikes just jelous he doesn't have a mullet :-P
  8. If you were buying a lambo or a drag car sure thing. haha Btw what are you getting another car to fly around turns?
  9. You can also check out ARK Hot Rods out in Marysville. I need to have this done, with the slicks I am going to be running. Ask for Nick or Alec tw. Great company and great people. Extremely good work!
  10. Im going to be getting ready here in a bit... Thorne, Im leaving around 1030 to head out just call me.
  11. Damn there just went my moment. All the hot ones are either, too in love with themselves, GAY, or taken and married.. WTF mate! hahah
  12. He's so cute! lol I just hope that they don't ruin another rare american muscle car.
  13. Amy

    Game Works

    Well, we will be heading out of here around 8p so if you guys wanna meet up around then...?
  14. Amy

    Game Works

    Anyone up for going to Game Works tonight?
  15. Awesome deal! Well hope to see you guys there!
  16. Ill stop out tell Catalogna to come over and say hi to his driver he never talks too haha :-)
  17. +1 I think Greg is a nice guy from what Ive seen. Why bring up something like this. He hasn't been on, so he's probably doing his own thing.
  18. Videos turned out great Mark. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put that up for everyone!
  19. Amy

    Dig It Biotch!

    I've got the Benz (16.0 @ 89 mph thanks for ole Rigsbur!)
  20. Mark YOUR the fuckstick that put that shit on my car!!! Oh its on pop tart!!! haha
  21. I think I'd throw up with that many turns. I about died in a STi at Auto X.. poo on that crazy stuff! haha
  22. Its a show stopper! (or traffic stopper from the blower.....sounds like a damn tornado siren :-P )
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