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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Well thats awesome guys! Hope to see you all there. Should be a really great time.
  2. Clay, its the the current GTO is it?
  3. The show is at Advance Auto in Hilliard.
  4. Well I started another thread, maybe not so much what everyone was looking to do but be something, since nothing seems to be getting off the ground. If that doesnt work, lets do this coming sat to hoover dam sat 1p meet at Easton and cruise on and then over to Wuaker at night?
  5. Ok guys so here is what I was thinking... I am having my cruise in which is looking to be very big right now. So what do you think about hosting a cruise after the show, I dont care where too or whatever. But the show is the 25th of Aug which is a saturday, so most everyone should be out. The show is from noon - 5p. Awards at 4:45p. We will all already be there, and be ready to rock n roll by the time this is over. So let's get a few people together and finally do this.
  6. Amy


    Welcome, always nice to see another mustang owner.
  7. Oh wtf mate, Aug 25th you better be at my cruise in!! :-) We can plan a big cruise after the show (noon - 5p)
  8. Well I was going to go, but now Im not.
  9. Shawn, thanks for helping the cause buddy lol :-P
  10. Amy

    Mopar Nats

    Oh yaay the no teeth, no common sense retard - fuck-up Nationals. Yeeee Hawwww. Ya I might go watch them throw shit at cars and act like wild animals. Always fun to watch the dumbasses act dumber. haha
  11. Mustang smoke the trans am :-P (I know I had a dumbass moment )
  12. Not to be a bitch, but "ain't" is not a word homey. (Btw I had a 2002 Sunset Orange WS6.. Best looking car I owned! Along with the WS6 Formula and two other Trans Ams I owned) Btw, congrats on the RX-8 buy, I took a ride in one when they first came out. I was amazed with the handling they had and it was almost as if the car craved for corners! Pretty pimp little cars!
  13. Look end of story.. car is not for sale... it was and then taken right off the market. The End. All private matters are to be left off CR please. Thanks guy i hope you all understand that.. thank you.
  14. (If head gasket problem is fixed.. Im in.) Minus CPD this time lol
  15. Yeah Grove City is becoming a shithole IMO... Sorry to hear about that. Hope all works out.
  16. Buckeye Dermatology (Dublin and Grove City) amazing people!
  17. Amy

    todays find

    jesus... who the hell parks one of those on the side of the street. how special ... (hey whos got a truck and a trailer ready haha)
  18. Happy Birthday Lani!!!!
  19. Hey I helped too fucker! :-)
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