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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    Woodward Dream Cruise

    I am for sure going to go... if we can get a few people to head up at the same time.. maybe we can all meet somewhere and cruise up in a group.
  2. Amy

    Woodward Dream Cruise

    Yeah I had my car at the Deleware show.. and that was too much for the ole race clutch and my leg haha Walking = the win!
  3. You are all very lucky. They are all too cute!
  4. Very nice looking job Jason!
  5. Hey Clay, I dont care for them much, but they seem to do a good job (place in GC on 62..) send me a pm, Ill give you a name of the guy to talk too. Hows the GTO been doing?
  6. Man, geez.. now my whole day is ruined.. haha
  7. Amy

    Nasty Snatch

    I always miss the gay stuff when I leave town for a few days. lol See you guys tonight at 1030p
  8. Amy

    FFW or NMRA

    It is held at the World Finals in Bowling Green, KY. Every year. You have to submit a application and see if you get picked out of the thousands that apply. If you get picked you compete against 10 of the top mustangs in the country. Submit your application to 5.0 mustang. The address should be in there. or online.
  9. I'm in.. even though I can barely keep my eyes open for all the traveling I have been doing this week.. but Ill bring a video camera Brian. :-)
  10. Amy

    FFW or NMRA

    Well as much as I would love to see them switch it up, Im not so sure that's going to happen. Basically the event is a bunch of 100k dollar shop cars that make ungodly power but FOR THE MOST PART none of them ever see the light of day, outside of a garage except for that event. LOL I was asked by one of the other "racers".. why are you driving that car on the road..My response: Isn't this "King of The Street??" So yeah, I hope to see someone get in and mix it up some...Best of Luck to you and hope that you do make it! Would be great to see!
  11. Amy

    Woodward Dream Cruise

    Anyone here want to meet up and cruise up there together.. be a nice drive.
  12. Amy

    FFW or NMRA

    Thats awesome. Yeah I remember seeing the car next to me, and noticing some things about it.. I was like hmm, I bet that thing scoots! :-) I will probably run at King of Columbus, not sure. Definatly be at The World Finals again this year. Loved it last year when I ran King of The Street... good times!
  13. I went a few times and it is realy worth it.. seeing those older guys pounding gears in these big ass boat of a cars.. is badass. A+ event!
  14. Amy

    FFW or NMRA

    I hear ya guys on all this stuff. Its definatly my last year competiting there. Too much crap goes on with it. Hope to see you guys at the Columbus race. Best of luck and hope the car issues are all ok with the Fairmont. Maybe we will all have a better time in C-bus!! :-)
  15. Heck ya! I used to live in Clearwater.. You will love it down there!! See you in the spring!!
  16. Amy

    Woodward Dream Cruise

    When are you leaving, Ive always wanted to go!
  17. Robs outta the dating game now.... haha
  18. Don't get rid of stuff that is sentimental. Always keep those things. Have a yard sale, pitch what you havent used in the last year and you know probably won't sell. Then see where you stand, if you are still packed with lots of stuff then donate things or get a bigger U-Haul. :-) Best of luck BC.. you guys keep in touch!!
  19. Amy

    FFW or NMRA

    The red one?? Yeah FFW and NMRA both are at each others throats.. 2 years ago FFW was amazing, TS was 160 cars, Pro 5/0 was the and everything.. was just a badass event, there being hardly no vendors, heads up racers, just made it suck. But, thats just me, Im not much of a fan of bracket racing.. I love heads up.. so who knows. Hope they start making some changes. :-)
  20. After we race, then were going to take over the world.
  21. I say just walk up the the reatard and give him a good punch in the jaw, maybe he will get the point. :-)
  22. Amy

    Tonight 28 July

    Pretty good race I thought. I just cant wait to get tuned tomorrow.. wont sound like a shotgun shifting gears then haha! We will have to redo the race next weekend (as long as my buddy Ray doesn't call me that he's lost again :-P j/k ray! Casey, downpour huh.. glad I made it home. Are the mirriors still shiney? :-P Oh yes, and I rode in a f-body. :-)
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