1st Annual Car Show
The Canal Winchester Area Chamber of Commerce and the Stone Cutters are holding their 1st Annual Car Show. Registration opens at 10AM and closes at 2PM. Awards will be passed out at 4PM. We will have awards for the top 40 and an additional 10 SPECIAL awards! The cost is $7.00. There will be give aways, raffles, 50/50, and a DJ with all the tunes. A special visit from Tom McNutt of Channel 4 will be there and is bringing his film crew. There will be food and fun for everyone.
Indian Trail Elem. Schoo
Canal Winchester, OH USA
Directions:Indian Trail Elem. School
6767 Gender Road
Canal Winchester, Ohio
For More Info-
Email: AMCGrich@aol.com
Phone: Janice / 1-614-837-1556
Close to home so I'll probably stop by for awhile. Be in Brown 74AMX say hello if you stop in. Later.
[ 04. October 2004, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: AMC74AMX ]