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Everything posted by Neon07

  1. i wasnt trying to race him in my car i dont do that, but maybe Rayhall would call him out or let someone borrow one of his?
  2. speaking of rednecks .... i heard that rednecks in Canada would make rednecks here proud
  3. Hmmm i wonder if they will roll race from 40?
  4. well with the exception of ol boy on the bike LOL
  5. i should run around a 12.8 - 12.9 in my neon does that count?
  6. ill be there.......... QS&L @ 6
  7. look what you started...LOL
  8. I saw Sam driving this to the club last week
  9. Looks like Uncle Ben's garage.... filled with rice
  10. Yes i got smoked by that cavalier i will admit but it had an cold air intake it was close too
  11. Psi means nothing to me, cfm= power. How about everything you go to everything i got. NO bs or exuses and deff not for fun... i mean its just a neon right BTW its no srt swap try a minivan swap and just a little touch of custom fab
  12. No its no SRT is just a old school R/T neon a couple mods, but from what dood was saying he had the money to make it worth my time, i just hope i make it worth his.
  13. yah i have been called that before, but im no longer with Slo Mo anyway yes please let me know and thanks a bunch for the help guys
  14. Very possible, how well do you know this guy and how do i race him if in fact this is him? If you talk to him tell him i was in a black auto Eclipse
  15. i live in the morse & cherry bottom ish area. The sighting occured down around Morse and i think Carl rd
  16. If anybody here knows the car a little help would be cool. So last night im driving down Morse Rd only to be harrased by some ricers in a White Nissan Sentra Spec V with NO EXHUAST. During his relentless reving and short busts of acceleration i give him a big thumbs down only to catch a light with him, unfortunaly not driving my car. So while at this light the passenger begins to ask me if i would like to race for some "bread", i tell him Yes, in my car. Give me 10 mins and i would race for whatever amount of money he desires. I tell him its just a Neon so i get the yah sure, followed by the ricer fly away. So if anybody here knows who i am taling about please tell me how to get in contact with this person. I would like to take him up on his offer to race for some "bread"
  17. went to the fights and a street race broke out
  18. Sterling Coach Restorations in Pickerington is by far one of the best...
  19. car got sold and then the motor blew.
  20. hi im the slowmotion guy. Ive had quite a few neons and i think i could help steer you in a good direction if you wanted to. first off im asuming that your car is a standard. Youre stock transmission is just fine it will bolt up to any 2.4L dodge motor(caravan, stratus, PT crusier, SRT-4) the best of the 2.4L is the PT cruiser because its got a newer design on a few parts of the motor but an older engine is good too. there is a multitude of ways for you to go. All motor, boost, or nitrous. take a stock botom end 2.4L remove the balancer shafts and put on a P&P head with some crane 18s for cams with normal bolt-ons and you can see around 170-180 hp and 160-170tq. go boost you can pick up SRT4 turbo manifold and turbo around $350 used SRT FMIC and some fuel system stuff and make 220-240hp on a stock 2.4L. and well nitrous speaks for itself. either way stop by our shop on westerville road and i could give you more info on it or advice btw another good sourse of infor is www.neons.org
  21. yah it was really small last year i raced on both the neon shoot out day and the sport compact day i think they may only do the sport compact thing this year
  22. who the hell pissed in your cheerios. dood you have no respect for the pride and joy of others. a perfect example of the hill jack mentality that gives CR a bad name out there. and btw those 4 bangers that are getting tons of money dropped into them are going to be a tad bit faster than 11's. be aware of a few 9-10 sec "ricers" this summer i think one of them is going to have a bone to pick with you.
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