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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. the hip proublem is a genetic one, so not much preventive.
  2. they are great dogs, until they get hip dysplasia(sp). and cant walk
  3. Excuse me, i just saw how much for the manifold. PM SENT
  4. You and Clark are both fucking Idiots. But it is cool, I mean any half witted idiot can tell those welds are not pretty; *may* be good welds, just not pretty.
  5. Looks like the guy that made that either way, drunk, has a nervous twitch, and or it was just a mock up, nothing ment to be long term.
  6. Marcs owl picture takes it down so far, hats off to sam on that one. If there is one for me....
  7. uhh it was live at the schott, good time indeed
  8. I will be there, not dynoing, hence my other post about destroying my motor. But there are 2 for certain 240s that are going to be there so I figure I should at least show up.
  9. http://streetwerkzrods.com/home.html There you are. EDIT. on there site it says they do MEDIA BLASTING.
  10. Shrug* The is a*reason* it sticks...I tried to explain it to some degree. The baking I believe creates somesort or thermo bond, Berto might know better then me.
  11. Can powder coating be stripped? I thought that sense the charged particles of paint bonded much stonger with the part, then traditional paint, which means it could not be simply wiped up with a chemical reaction. I could be wrong, which I am sure I am, but it seems that sense you take the paint, that has a lot of electrons, and the metal, which is charged to help give it more electron affinity, which creates a sort of ionic bond, pretty strong bond, that the paint seemily becoming not just a layer, but more of a bond. Kinda like when they say you scratch powder coating, you are really indenting the metal alloy. But again there are some strong chemical reactions out there, so who knows.
  12. Brandon

    anything today?

    I didnt realize you were porting my head tonight
  13. it will be holding up well till march at least
  14. Block should be with in specs, along with the crank.
  15. 14.50's for lyfe:p And Rick, its getting a rebuild. Just a freshener, nothing exotic at all.
  16. Brandon

    Hello everyone

    Welcome, nissans for lyfe. _Drift
  17. disclaimer I hate the internet cause I can not use it properly http://community.webshots.com/user/williser93 Ok try that, and goto the Broke album These should work as well http://community.webshots.com/photo/482547670/482549164ZgUjWO http://community.webshots.com/photo/482547670/482549184WMFryw http://community.webshots.com/photo/482549363/482549363CIoIYD There are more pictures, but these show enough of the damage. Long story short, engine made funny noise, thought it was a bad chain, well it wasnt. And went driving around one day, lost power. KABOOM, seems to be the proper term for things of this magnitude. #2 piston had enough play in it to slighty tap the head, every so slighty, no damage. Moral or story, never trust A). The japense to take care of their motors B). Any noise a motor makes it is not saposed to, even though it runs "fine" c). ANYONE TO CHANGE THE OIL..... D). Nissan *also I have no clue how to make those links into pictures*
  18. There will be 2 turbo 240s there for certain, mabye more, they will be there round noon
  19. An aussie who has never played in the wsop before at that.
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