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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. What is the engine code in that thing anyways? Its a 1.5 liter turd, but gets like 45 mpg
  2. What the heck is all foreign? And where are they? And where can I get thier number.
  3. Did I say fix it at norwalk in my post? And I had my usual spelling lapse, its curb
  4. The rings on the hatchback let go, so I need a new motor, just a nice long block. Anyone have one lying around, or does anyone know where I can fing one. And I would prefer that it not have a shit ton of miles on it. The car is a 94 honda civic cx hatchback, and the motor I need is the factory 1.5 liter, and nothing else!
  5. Marc drive that shit there, if it breaks fix it. I would drive mine, it would be a the final test for it, as the car needs some disance driving to prove itself. (note it is running well) But it needs some suspension work, per me putting it into a kirb in a muddy subdivision, I was'nt "drifting" just bad luck.
  6. Exactly, they are rigth down the street from jegs on 11th, I got some pipes done there, great price, great work, and grest service.
  7. light the plane on fire, and it will be more worth while!
  8. I will sport one for the game, i got tickets!
  9. drew harris's dad is the ceo of triumph auto glass, harris93 is his name on here.
  10. Basically level 2 english. And when are you ever going back to school!
  11. Eat shit and die mother fucker
  12. Mark out 2 miles, run it, DO NOT WALK, even if yor joging at a walking pace. Your leting your heart rest and doing yourself no good. Suffer! While everyone is posting mile this mile that Best mile 5:19 Best 2 mile 11:10- 11:30 cant remember which one (those were back in the day when I was playing soccer)
  13. Choosy wtf, you mean picky... Congradulations
  14. Last five k I did, which was last summer, i ran in 19 minutes and 58 seconds! It was luck I ran that fast, cause I hate distance running. And I am just messin with you Jesse, friendly stabs, but seriosly running is gay, ride a bike 23348764369784 times harder, and it dosent make your knees and ankles cry in pain.
  15. Ok have some one who knows what they are doing do it.
  16. I am in no shape right now, but ill put money i will beat you
  17. Ya well you guys are special with your 2 cycle weed whipper gas too
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