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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. biggest and quickest gains are in the firss 2 months of weight training, then it levels off to a steady upward growth
  2. clark is a squirell, and marcs cark is gay. Phew now we got the facts straight. Those are some cheap cars....But i think clark is going to try and make the purple neon fast if im not mistaken.
  3. Brandon


    cark is gay bump smile.gif
  4. damn that name brings ya back
  5. Brandon


    bitch licker malfunction
  6. Brandon


    Alrady 35% done with the game smile.gif
  7. got some of those And they are worthless just boring lap dogs if you ask me. Border collie > and other dog in history, in any aspect.
  8. dans dad is the shit i suggest him.
  9. Brandon


    ya b spec is kinda lame, but i am thinking it could be great for the enduro races
  10. Brandon


    i got the gran tursimo gt40 and it kicked the shit out of the american series.
  11. ya i played gt4, beat all beginner and all the professonal stuff, moving on to specialty races now smile.gif
  12. funniest thing in cr history
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