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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Eric i am saying it takes some of the racing out of it. I think that a good driver should be able to not miss a shift, not over rev, and win a race, more traditional i sapose. But yes F1 is the elite of the elites.
  2. Brandon


    Some ones 10 yr service award sucks, the questions are pretty funny
  3. their transmissons have brains, that enable them to automatically blip the throttle going into a turn, and they also remember they also automatically down shift at certain revs, ect...kinda takes some of the driving out of it, if all you have to do is steer. It used to be good drivers were good drivers for not blowing their cars up, and driving fast laps, now there is very little driver error that causes mechanical damage ala missing a shift gate, over reving ect. F1 is amazing and I do enjoy it, but I think they need to step it down in technology a little, so to speak. All
  4. I know its pretty brave, but if I am such a 'keyboard warrior' then come on out, I'll be there. But until then you cock juggling thunder cunt, you can retort no more. 'keyboard warrior' graemlins/nutkick.gif
  5. pretty cool, but why not just get an f-body
  6. compressor maps are your friend
  7. D3caps come out to geeros on friday, and we can have a person to person talk, They are my favorite ones* *anyone else who wants to come on out your more then welcome
  8. Brandon


    Ok I guess since my car is gonna be some 'mad tyght drift car' then i am unoriginal... I didnt buy the car to fit in with anyone else fudge packer, i bought it cause it was affordable, i could track it, it was rear wheel drive, i could swap in a decently powerfull motor, and it looks better then any car trunk from the greatest decade of styling the world has ever seen graemlins/jerkit.gif
  9. I want to know how you know so much about CC when you dont even work there? You're lame.
  10. Brandon


    Marc your car is ugly, But im sure if you travel through the hills of west virgina, you could pick up a dandy of a toothless BJ. ( edit someone find a picture of the cark aka aaron and photochop it smile.gif )
  11. The number in my email was 13, which must have been the number of stores in this market region. And one should know i could give a fuck less what i spell right, its a god damn internet forum, not english class, i dont need to re read every post and check for gramitcal errors. And if your a best buy grundel grabber, why dont you check how many times they have filed for bankrupcy, and how many law suits have been taken out against them, what a moral company... Marc you fucking squirrel get a job ( i know )
  12. your a faggot actully go cry to some one whos cares as for the easton store it is closing that location and opening a new one around the mall, and bigger store, and sawmill will not be closing they make a good amount of money surprisingly. And no circuit city is not even close to go out of business...not even close d3 you dipshit do some reasearch before you talk. There were 13 low traffic stores that closed, but 13 new larger stores like polaris are in the process of being built, circuit city is actully expecting its best year ever this year. Also another company recently made an offer to CC to buy them out, that offer was turned down. And many of you may not know but CC owns several companys, intertan, radioshack canda, a big cell phone company in canda as well. They will not be going out of business, just trying to revamp some older stores
  13. williser93@netscape.net pics please
  14. Brandon

    wtb: AEM EMS

    Goto www.ipsmotorsports.net And send Jeff an email, im sure he will give you a great price, i cant complain for the pirces he has given me.
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