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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. This is on my options to do this friday night list. We shall see.
  2. i wish i had 4 hands to give them titties four thumbs down
  3. Ill be down here soon, I need to visit my other buddies as well! 75 cent! yes!
  4. Yes, Lacrosse for a year. Then gave up so to speak. As to Marcs comment, you dont get slower over time until your like 28-29 when your peak strength has been reached. So your comment about that being 3 years ago makes zero difference, a little training and I would be right there again. Hows that membership working out for you at worlds you told me you got . Rick, can you run fast enough to flatten me? If we are doing NFL legal shit lets get pads and everything then and pretend its a real game . I mean yes Rick could not me over, but I could tackle him.
  5. Rick would fall like a sack of bricks
  6. Rick, you make it to easy. First off you would be the easiest chop block in history, like taking candy from an ole man! Second, I train daily, and although my carido shape is lacking right now, strength is not. If you have ever seen Ted Ginn Jr. well hes my size, exactly, and well I am have a stronger upper body then him, per OSU stats ( I mean if you want to compare to someone of that magnitude, similar in age as well ) I run a 4.4 fourty ( he is flash, so no comparisson ), and i can jump alright enough to dunk a basketball, I can run damn near a four minute mile, I mean how much more do you want? I may not be able to take the physical beating some of those guys can, but if I took roids (like they dont...) I am sure I could compete in that sense as well. I am not saying I have professional talent by any means (frankly I have not an once of talent comparied to thos guys), but I have plenty of athletic talent.I know thats foriegn to you Rick, so I can understand why your veiws are tainted.
  7. Broncovictory (had to make it one word)
  8. OK Rick let me break this to you. I will never EVER be 255, so I cant do that. I would never be a running back, or claim to be able to, but I can run futher faster and just plain faster then Jerome right now, infact there is no way he runs a 4.4 fourty yard dash, Maybe in him prime ellite he may have but now.NO. He has a lot of heart I give him that, but he is washed up, he has a lot of health proublems, and he needs to give up after this year, cause he is just really isnt that effective. I mean he is a great a third and 2 back, exciting, all he does is runn hard and run into the smaller linebackers, of course he will win, simple physics delgates this concept. I think he USED to be very good, but now its time to thrown in the towel. And Rick, since I am not half the athlete he is, whats your defination of an athlete? And also can you even run?
  9. I meant no harm with my comment. Just stating you and your family are die hard steeler fans, and undoubtably (not from yourself) Marc will come back with some smart ass comment, to get the last word. (we are all friends here haha)
  10. Scott you get your intercooler back from tinman yet? Looked pretty good.
  11. Ok so 12 was a little shy. But his longest rush this year is 39, admirable . But in last 2 years, his longest rushed were for 21, and 29 yards . He is definatly not in the shape he used to be in, no excuses, he is old. I dont mind Bettis cause he can speak the english lanuage and is a decent human, but he really is only good at getting no more the 3 yards, which has been his average for the last four years. He is well over his 255 pounds as well, and I give them this he can still move, but he has seen better days. (Kinda like Jerry Rice, just give it up, you're pathetic now) (I better prepair myself for the Stock family hate train cause is it a choo choo chooing)
  12. What is the bus's longest run this year, 12 yards...I dont give a shit how old he is, he cant go more then like ten yards without sucking wind.
  13. Since when did you start playing for the steelers...we... And John is definatly ahead by bus lengths in the flaming battle with Marc.
  14. The steelers played well, the refs fucked them no doubt. Indy followed past season trends, and choked on there own shit. GO BRONCOS
  15. Payton Manning just wants to prove how much of a choker he is again this year (like every year in the play offs). Guy sucks.
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