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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Fair enough, The car has ZERO rust, it has everything it needs minus a front bumper, which i will track down. How crutial are these serial numbers, and what not, i am not to sure I will be able to get these, although I could simply copy them onto he "invoice" i am going to make!!!
  2. No. I have no reciepts for the stuff though really, I think i can get some sort of invoice made if need be. It was dans old shell!
  3. I just bought a salvage titled car, and its in great shape its an 89 240sx coupe, just needs a new ecu and to be inspected, what do they look for when inspecting? Do i need reciepts for the engine ect to prove its not stolen...Or do they simply check to make sure its safe to drive, brakes, lights, signals, horn? I dont really want to pay 55 bucks for the packet that tells you the process needed to get it approved, but if i have to i guess ill suck it up. I am sure someone on here has gotten a salvage title approved for use again, so throw your experience out there! Thanks for any help in advance!
  4. Brandon

    Peep this....

    The girl is dumb, I would have just walked out.
  5. It was over rated! And the clip at the end is like 3 seconds long.
  6. NO ONE CARES. You drive a tamagotchi or what hakuie, dosent matter what its called its still slow, and ugly.
  7. Making exhuasts with out a lift is teh suck!
  8. Streching is for the most part pointless (its one of those odd theories that doesnt apply so much to modern day athletic science), and its been proven use google (you dont see lance armstrong streching his legs out before a race, you see him on a bike turning the pedals over to warm them up, he dosent strech!). Just do a short warm up jog or some sort of warm up excersizes for the muslces your going to use, so they are not in shock when full load is placed upon them. Also Im not sure why every one thinks streching is so crucial...Last time i checked streching never helped my endurence, or speed for that matter. Make note i have done two miles in 10:58 which is nothing to brag about, and never did i stretch for any of it Every one has differnt muscle make ups so you may be more fast twich then slow...Theres a lot of factors. I do tri-athealons so i know some stuff, and your best bet is to vary your training (repetition is good to a point). Do one mile one day as fast as you can go, something like two miles the next at a steady pace, rest, repeat. Also take caffiene pre workouts, it will help WAY more then it will hinder. And finally SUFFER, you can olny push to threshold, but I am sure you have not done this, because you have not collasped, which is a miserable feeling, being it has bappened to me. keep pushing and good luck.
  9. I thought the exact same thing!
  10. It was a joke. But its cool you didnt grasp it.
  11. get it! they drive nice! I have driven one.
  12. Today a friend of mine was ticketed for tint, and no front lisence plate, no moving violations. His tint is at 15% right now which is certainly under the legal limit. The tint is same through out the car. Its my understanding that the front windows are the only ones that need to be legal? His main concern right now, is this... The freeway patrol officer said that he has to get the tint taken off, or taken to the legal limit, or his car will be impounded if pull over again for tint etc, and he will have to remove the tint from the timpound lot before it can be driven out. He does not want his car impounded so what are his options. Obviously he can take the tint off and replace it with legal tint in the front, albeit that looks terrible IMO. Is there any legal documents that say X person can have X tint, or something along those lines. Anyone with previous issues please chime in! (Police officers would be especially appreciated for there feedback)
  13. Brandon

    NFL Draft

    Mike Kudla is the steal of the draft. I predict it now folks, 275 pound middle line backer running a 4.4 4.5 fourty and he only set the bench press record! Pitt again seems to me to have gotten the best underrated picks!
  14. PLEASE post the pic, i need a laugh!
  15. I have a 94 I just built for 400 bucks! It got 39mpg!!!I hate how slow it is, but I love how slow it goes to the gas station!
  16. I have a locker room clip of him dropping the f-bomb 34 times in a minute and 45 seconds!!!I dont understand how you could play for that... But its hilarious
  17. disgusting..Bet it all looks like cottage cheese!
  18. Is that really coltboy in that picture.....
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