I bought a new car because a.) my parents hated the Omni GLHt. b.) I didn't like its ride and its issues.
So I sold it, made a profit and got some new rims for the RX-7 (buyer included them).
My mom wanted me to get a nice DD, so I browsed craigslist for a while and found a car I've wanted for a while, a Starion/Conquest.
My new car is a 1986 Mitsubishi Starion ESI-R. Intercooled 2.6L Turbo, G54B engine, RWD, 5speed, the whole bit. I'm the third owner and it has 67,000 original miles. The previous owner was beaten to death, and his wife drove it to the funeral and it quit...at the burial site. Cursed?
I get it home, it won't start, still won't. I think it's a problem in either the dist, ignitor/knock sensor, or fuel system. Pics will follow when I get home from work, or you might see it out tonight at Quaker if I can get it to run.