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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Patrick

    friday night 5/11

    I showed up a little after 11, great turn out...lots of SRT-4's it seems.
  2. Patrick

    friday night 5/11

    It was, but what was the deal with the cops and the white Camaro on the north side of the lot?
  3. Soup-R-Dogs if you want cheap, good hot dogs.
  4. It died in 1994. I've been so into muse lately it's not funny but if you're looking for verse chorus verse I recommend Wolfmother...imagine if Zeppelin, Sabbath and AC/DC had a love child band.
  5. Patrick

    friday night 5/11

    That sounds about right.
  6. Patrick

    CR Water Day???

    Must be man powered. I should have added that stipulation.
  7. Patrick

    CR Water Day???

    I have an inflatable kayak...will race from a roll.
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fate worse than death, yes.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0FholWREZA
  10. Did you try instant sign co.? it's right by Chipotle/Panera and Ace Hardware. I may stop by and get a few letters.
  11. Patrick

    Me Me Me!!!

    Hey. Nice car!
  12. If anyone wants to, we're meeting at the Burger King at 3330 Indianola Ave around 7 AM. Megaman and myself will be there, and so will Hot_wire.
  13. lol my rear brakes still lock up. but I got some new diff fluid in, that might help it out. Old tires FTL!!!!
  14. It's cause people started fights outside over CAL rules and dumb shit like that. We play source, usually. But yeah we play it. Games rotate on a month to month basis, based on polls.
  15. Screw that dog. http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/duckhunt/ It really pissed me off when I missed a duck or two. *teeheehee* says the dog.
  16. If I knew how, hell, it'd be our tournament map with attendees as hostages in the upstairs back room! haha!
  17. Thank you for reminding me of tech-I need to tie down my battery after replacing the alternator. Oh, Pat, Hot_wire and myself are meeting up at the Burger King on Indianola just off of Broadway Sunday morning if Sean might be interested in going. Or anyone else for that matter!
  18. Yep, they are. I'm so JDM, I sleep on the right side of the bed!! Oh and also the Moshimoto's came off of the 4 black honda civics with green underglow who have been robbing the trucks.
  19. I don't think so, I didn't.
  20. Register on DLBracing.com, then register for the event.
  21. Nerds (not done anymore) or yeah...just soft serve vanilla.
  22. I heard a great point on this from another forum/digg. People make maps of the surroundings they know like their house or town. Something they know, easy to remember. He knew his school, so he made a map of it. I've wanted to make a Whempy's LAN map before of our warehouse, I know that place.
  23. Vander get some Moshimoto ZX tires and you'll be set for any race. Great traction.
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