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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. For the most part, any idiot in a particular car can give other owners bad names too. Just for whatever reason, it seems Honda kiddies do that a lot more than anyone else.
  2. Crazy news site-look at the related and most popular!@
  3. You're quite paranoid...next you'll be telling me the only reason we went to Iraq was because we finally found out where the Eldridge went during the Philadelphia Experiment, and we had to cover our tracks. You're partially correct, in my opinion, but a touch paranoid and mad to boot.
  4. This saturday, 8pm at the local tavern. Bring your own rifle, and a copy of your birth certificate. Hardtack and Whiskey will be served.
  5. Okay, where do you work, because I would love to have someone fund my project! Welcome nonetheless!
  6. Ed, you done bodywork on it yet? Also what's the word on the "turbo'd SHO"
  7. FC RX7 transmissions work best...taller 5th I presume you're talking about.
  8. I think I'm going to run for office under the ideals of Parti Citron, albeit slightly modified. My policies and platforms: - Restructure America's economy to be centered on lemon production - Support global warming so lemons can be grown in Ohio - Abolish Michigan - Repeal the law of gravity
  9. Wouldn't doubt. Just wanted to clarify, now why don't I have picture messaging! I has internet, no pics.
  10. Thoughts on a new cold war; Our economy is not great. Russia's has been kicking ass. The world bank says, and I quote "unprecidented microeconomic stability". They are what we were in the 50's: lots of growth, therefore they have made strides in so many areas, they can outgun, and outspecialize our country, in the not so distant future. The roles have been reversed. They're an energy powerhouse more now than ever. Oh, and they want to put missiles/nuclear bombers back in Cuba in response to our shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. Anyone remember when this happened last? A popular, young president was in office. Cyclic. Also said it might just be a refueling point instead of a base. In essence, we are probably going to see Bert the Turtle again should this happen. Also, I think the Georgian president is trying to be on Glenn Beck tonight for an interview and his response.
  11. I hope it's a 420a, those are sweet!
  12. This is the internet, it is very serious. If we aren't, one of the tubes may get clogged and we'd all be screwed then.
  13. http://valleywag.com/assets/images/valleywag/2008/08/georgiagooglegoofsmall.png Phil that's all of 5 minutes from my house, didn't know you worked at that one. But I'll be there, I need a Voyager case anyway.
  14. I've apparently got a small hive in my other engine bay, of just thirteen bees.
  15. I hear there's a missle silo built under Indian Lake, that's why it's so shallow! :thumbup:
  16. Reserved for when I dig out my slips from a coolant drenched mess.
  17. The time I had was a great one. Definitely getting a better feel for drag racing!
  18. 240SX, SR20, I think I'd understand that better.
  19. What's an "esssrrrrr" or a "toofowty"? Speak properly.
  20. It's open grass seating...Promowest or Lifestyles or that BS they call the venue on Neil by Nationwide. I've never had a problem there before.
  21. I hear Motorhead stays true to their "loudest band in the world" claim. I'm excited. Lemmy's old, but rocks harder than most bands out there today.
  22. I had to half-ass it tonight, because the track day is tommorrow (fan switch)
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