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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. My mom 'disposed' of it by smashing it up in a ziploc bag, putting water in it, then throwing away the mix. I think that's how you're supposed to dispose of that stuff.
  2. I'm joking, remember April Fool's day?
  3. I like how you think. GS 455? But I'd rather see a GN motor in it
  4. I hear nothing but good things from Performance Theory. Good luck on the sale.
  5. That is a sexy car...I'd have to put a carb'd v8 or turbo four in it.
  7. I am. White boy from Clintonville. Hard core rollin' on my 14's in my 8-4 Seven. but, I've heard Worthington has a gang...yes of Thomas students. It was 'W9' or something and my response was that they sound like a bunch of tax guys. Sure enough, it exists as an IRS form. I proceeded to make fun of them, and the person who told me about them.
  8. I had steak when I went home for dinner, and the Vicodin didn't do shit, so I got rid of it. Tried to drive home, too, but they wouldn't let me, as my mom was there. Liability I guess?
  9. I would help. I have a Civic Sedan for the week.
  10. Give ya the Starion there for that Jensen thingamabobber!
  11. I feel ya there, I got points off my driver's test for going too slow.
  12. Patrick


    Sh. don't worry. There's a type 3 out back of work, a Karmann Ghia, and 2 914's. If you can drag them away, they're yours. Swap the motor real quick first. Takes all of 20 minutes.
  13. Patrick


    True story. This is all funny, the entire thread.
  14. Co_roller, I can put pics up if you want. Let me know.
  15. All of it's a hfcs drink with flavor made somewhere we don't care about. Oh wait, they have a plant here too, in Linden. Makes sense. But soda/pop/fizz juice/whatever you want to call it's kosher. Same stuff.
  16. Patrick


    This is funny. I laugh at everyone in the thread, because he got you into one hell of a firestorm. He proved a point in a pretty funny way. Beetles are cool. V8 Camaros are too. Race a stock beetle, and you'll laugh for days. Painfully slow. 50 odd hp. It's his call, he just made a funny point, might be my exhaustedness, but I laughed.
  17. And quickly, successfully, complete the triple.
  18. For as much as we all flame each other, we think it's funny as hell in person. So yes, but I don't think we've met.
  19. When the soccer team is named for all the construction constantly going on... And I always measure distance in time.
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